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Danger Pants

Post 1


While driving out to band rehearsal a few weeks ago, my friend John and I started talking about pants. This may seem a bit odd, but if you've ever seen John's pants, you would know why we were talking about them.

At any rate, we came up with the idea of pants that would take a cue from Nature - in particular, the puffer fish. These would be called "Danger Pants". Danger Pants would be specially designed pants with built-in sensors that would be able to sense danger and would, when threatened, inflate to five times their normal size. Obviously, when confronted with these giant pants, any would-be attacker would be too frightened to do anything other than run away.

Since first coming up with the idea, we have been hard at work on a prototype of these pants, but have, as yet, failed to actually produce any results. We remain optimistic, though. Wish us luck.

All the best,

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