This is the Message Centre for The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Why you like BtVS???

Post 1

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

I knew from the very beginning that I would love this show and even if this sounds a bit daft, I knew it was going to be good before I even saw the very first episode. They say it's funny what people remember, well I remember seeing it advertised in the TV guide and thinking, 'with a name like that, it has to be good', and I wasn't wrong.

Then 6pm, Thursday night (I think, see what I mean about remembering things) and cue music, and believe it or not, I was hooked before a word was even uttered, because then I saw Sarah Michelle Gellar and .....DAMN.....that was all I needed.

Then it just got better and better and better and I'll finish by saying. There is no and has been no better show on TV, and as much as I hate to say it, there probably will never be another show like it.

....And the reason is that,in my opinion, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BAD BUFFY EPISODE....

So why don't you tell me what drew you to BtVS and what affect it has had on you (If any)?????

smiley - vampire SpiKe

Why you like BtVS???

Post 2


Well, let me see...I actually saw the movie originally, which everybody puts down as being really bad, but I actually found it quite amusing. And Paul Reubens as a vampire...what's not to love!? So then the series came out, and even though I did actually like the movie and thought a series would be a good idea, I didn't really watch it that much through the first two seasons. I saw the first 2 or 3 episodes, I missed a few, I saw a couple more.
I didn't really start watching religiously until towards the end of season 2/the beginning of season 3. The Mayor remains to this day my absolute favorite Big Bad. I was completely hooked. The writing is (was) phenomenal; the interaction between the cast members made you believe in them.
During seasons 5,6 & 7, some friends would come over every week for the show; I had to tape it for them because they had classes until 9 and didn't arrive here 'til around 9:30 (and also for my friend who had a night job). We don't know what to do with ourselves on Tuesday nights anymore.
What a great great show! It will be sorely missed. Thank goodness for DVD.
And I have to agree with you...NO SUCH THING as a bad ep! There's not one, out of seven seasons! That says something, if you ask me.

smiley - fairy


P.S. "Once More With Feeling" episode ever! I know there are many who don't agree with me, but what writing! And they could all sing (sort of)!

Why you like BtVS???

Post 3


What drew me to Buffy? Hmmm, I was forced to sit through it with an ex and very quickly realised it was a post-modern masterpiece. I kept seeing more and more pop-culture refernces and it really stands out as the most self-aware show on television. My love for Buffy was always a hidden part of my life but I am slowly crawling out of hte woodwork to admit my passion! I feel like folk of my age and responsibilty have a need to hide such things despite my constant protesting it is the intellectual element I enjoy (me thinks the lady doth protest too much as Shakepeare so elequently puts it!!).
Litchick xx

Why you like BtVS???

Post 4

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Well I'll tell you this, where OMWF is concerened there'll be no arguements from me, or for that fact, the entire Scooby gang.

I never saw the film until after the series started, and I think it was quite good ( in it's own right), although Joss Whedon would probably disagree, as he walked out on the film during production, he said that the actors couldn't take it seriously.

Why you like BtVS???

Post 5


Its smart, funny telly! Great characters, storylines you can relate to (sometimes) and my main reason ALYSON HANNIGAN!!!! and later Amber Benson!

Its addictive viewing!

Oh, and hi Tara, see the scooby realm is a safe one and I'm right behind you all the time sweetie!

smiley - love Will

Why you like BtVS???

Post 6


Gotta say tho, Doublemeat Palace wasnt the greatest idea they ever had!
OMWF and Tabula Rasa, oh and the final 4 of season 6...... absolute genius!!

Why you like BtVS???

Post 7


I like your reasoning Willow! remember Xander in Where the Wild Things Are with his - 'It's what you said only faster...' You got it dead on without my rambling!
I feel a bit lost in here! Should this all be response to Spike's weblog? I don't want to rile a vamp, however much I am giving it up for American chipmanship!
smiley - smiley

Why you like BtVS???

Post 8


Yeah, we'll fill his weblog with this and if the chip fails we can hide all snuggly-wuggly while Buffy kicks/snogs him into submission! smiley - loveblushsmiley - biggrin

"Im working on that evil scheme of my own!!"

Told ya Id end up saying it babe!

Why you like BtVS???

Post 9

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Hey remember, no chip now, but all soulful vamp.

"It's chips all round then"

Just thought I'd through a quote into the mix.

smiley - vampire SpIkE

Why you like BtVS???

Post 10


These mixes often work so much better wiht an ear in the mix too! And yes this is one interesting little hobby we have all got going on here...

Think hysteria might be kicking in! Really MUST go! Enjoy yourselves without me! I'm being very Tara like aren't I - all mature and sensible! Still not cooking for Dawn though!

My bed is so fed up of calling for me it's turned its back on me and so I must go and appease by shut eye!

Night, thanks for the new role! See you soon, keep me in the loop! smiley - smiley
Love Litchick x

Why you like BtVS???

Post 11


Chips, souls... whatever keeps the peace!
Just remember I was nice about it when you "couldnt perform" so dont go biting Tara, or I may have to raise all hell to kick ya arse!!! lol

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