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Is it too easy to get into debt?

Post 81


Perhaps some prefer to work in term time rather than the holidays? Or like the 'extras' that it makes possible. My son worked every holiday to support his desired lifestyle. He reckons that it is possible to exist on the student loan (depending on accommodation costs), but life would be pretty dull.

Is it too easy to get into debt?

Post 82

McKay The Disorganised

My mother was relatively wealthy, but spent her retirement living with my sister, scrimping on pennies because she didn't know how long she'd live.

Gordon Brown's raids on the pension set up to pay for his wild spending is a burden that everyone under 60 is going to have to pay for until they die.

I'm assuming that I will sell my house, buy somewhere smaller and use that money to live on - but in reality, as my wife is 8 years younger than me, these decisions will probably lie with her.

smiley - cider

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Is it too easy to get into debt?

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