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Social Darwinism

Post 21


What is a social Darwinist?

Darwin's theory of natural selection works by some individuals surviving and reproducing and passing their genes onto their offspring. The actual process is now basically described as working on the level of the gene, rather than individual.

Darwinian selection doesn't work on the level of societies or groups.

The guy was quite clearly mentally deranged. I don't quite understand the point of this thread. smiley - erm

Social Darwinism

Post 22

badger party tony party green party

Its a pathetic attempt to make atheists look culpable for promoting "social Darwinism" through deriding religion and promoting rationalism...cant you see that thsoe things are linked?

I dont think meteorologist have any need to speak out against this guys actions.

Neither should the fact he chose a German name mean that people with german names like the Queen or me or german speakers like Sho be be asked to account for his actions.

If there have to be people dragged over the coals the the first three groups have to be:

1) The NRA

2) Gingers

3) People who screen print Tshirts.

smiley - rainbow

Social Darwinism

Post 23

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Literalist smiley - rolleyessmiley - winkeye

Social Darwinism

Post 24

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

ooh, slow simulpost sorry - that was for Taliesin.

Social Darwinism

Post 25


>>I dont think meteorologist have any need to speak out against this guys actions.<

Oh, I think meteorologism lies at the very heart of this evil act.

The use of the German word for 'storm' clearly indicates the murderer's affiliation with that world-wide conspiracy.

If you don't believe me, just pay more attention next time you watch the local weather-person on the telly. They're obviously sending coded messages to their meteorologist minions

smiley - tongueout

Social Darwinism

Post 26


Surely notions of the innate superiority of a particular race or creed is an entirely religious idea?

Social Darwinism

Post 27

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - huh I know plenty of racist atheists smiley - erm

Social Darwinism

Post 28

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


On the contrary! Christianity is meant to be about the equality of all people. Truly.


Social Darwinism

Post 29

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Meant to be and being aren't always the same though, eh?

Social Darwinism

Post 30


>>On the contrary! Christianity is meant to be about the equality of all people. Truly.<<

That's classic Della, after all the homophobic remarks you've been making recently on TGD thread.

Social Darwinism

Post 31

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

That's true, Kea... sadly.

And Effal, it seems you misunderstand.

Homophobia is a political accusation, not a fact. All people are equal, whether homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, Martian, black white or brindle as my father used to say.

What one does, isn't what one is.


Social Darwinism

Post 32


>>All people are equal<<

Yes but in Christianity Vicky, it seems 'some are more equal than others'.

Social Darwinism

Post 33


What one is, dictates what one does. That's how we perceive what are other people are like. Of course, sometimes our understanding is skewed by misinterpreting our percetions, or only seeing part of the picture.

Social Darwinism

Post 34


I'm sorry, I don't want to drag this thread off-topic but this:

>>Homophobia is a political accusation, not a fact<<

... is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on hootoo. And Della claims that Effal has misunderstood!

Calling someone a homophobe is as much a political statement as calling someone a racist - i.e. not a political statement at all. Denying that homophobia is a fact is *exactly* the same as denying racism is a fact.

Della seems to be getting morality confused with personal political beliefs.

Deciding whether to be homophobic (or racist) is a moral judgement that a person has to make for themselves. Della has made her moral choice very clear. Fortunately these days, most decent folk disagree with her.


Social Darwinism

Post 35


Bah, Effers even. Sorry, I made the mistake of thinking that something in one of Della's posts would be accurate. Silly me!

Social Darwinism

Post 36

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I suppose there's sometimes some confusion about terminology.

One way in which "homophobia" is understood is, as Iago defines it, as being like "racism". Both seek to unjustly discriminate on irrelevant grounds. But another way in which "homophobia" can be understood is like "claustrophobia" or "arachnophobia" - an irrational fear.

So it's possible for someone who thinks that homosexuality is unnatural and should not be tolerated to deny that they're homophobic under the second definition - if they're not, personally, scared of homosexuals. Of course, some people *are* irrationally scared of homosexuals ("backs against the walls, lads").

I guess we use 'homophobia' to mean irrational prejudice against homosexuals and bisexuals for linguistic reasons, as there's no obvious or snappy word "ism" word for discrimination against them.

Social Darwinism

Post 37


>>no obvious or snappy word "ism" word for discrimination against them. <<

Yes maybe it would be better to say homism; problem is some would think it was prejudice against houses. Or it could be homosexualism? A bit of a bloody mouthful, if you pardon the pun smiley - winkeye

Queerism? I quite like that.

Social Darwinism

Post 38

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

How about Dellist?

Social Darwinism

Post 39


smiley - ok Excellent

Social Darwinism

Post 40


Is dellist believing something but not knowing why ?

best fishes......tod

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