A Conversation for The Forum

Drivers in the hard shoulder?

Post 41

Sho - employed again!

that's a great thing.

it wouldn't really work in rural areas, but for towns and cities it's great. I'd sign up for that and get rid of my car like a shot.

Drivers in the hard shoulder?

Post 42

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Yeah, it seemed very popular, they were expanding rapidly, and even with that heavily booked on the weekends.

Drivers in the hard shoulder?

Post 43


This hard shoulder thing... When they proposed the idea way back, many people (including myself) were worried that people would die as a result (because the emergency services wouldn't be able to get to the accident or would get there slower). Since they're actually trialling it now, I guess we'll find out. I don't think it would be sensible to extend the scheme until the trial has had a good few years of testing though.

Drivers in the hard shoulder?

Post 44

McKay The Disorganised

The M42 is also a road with more access points than most motorways.

smiley - cider

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