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Grammar Schools
faithy2 Posted May 21, 2007
in my school general studies is compulsory for As level but for those wishing to take 5 straight AS' they can, normally those who are academically stronger. basically the GS lessons are a bit of a doss for those who take it because they know that unis don't recognise it and they don't see the point. The school says that despite the fact that it isn't a credited As level, it does give you the general knowledge and current affairs awareness that they are looking for.
Why not just read the newspaper????
as you have probably guessed i have taken 5 AS', not because im academically 'bright' , but because i didn't wanna waste my time...
Grammar Schools
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted May 21, 2007
"basically the GS lessons are a bit of a doss for those who take it because they know that unis don't recognise it and they don't see the point"
Most 'new' universities take it, just because they know GS students have some idea about how to study round things without being held by the hand.
I used it as a doss though
Grammar Schools
faithy2 Posted May 21, 2007
but surely thats what the whole AS year is about - teaching yourself how to study and research stuff for yourself so your then prepeared for the final Alevel year and then uni. you don't need a whole subject devoted to it!
Grammar Schools
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted May 21, 2007
The AS Level year is pretty much exactly the same as the GCSE years and the A-Level year. Ploughing enough factual knowledge into your brain so that you can pass the end of year exams. There's very little in the way of teaching you how to apply said knowledge, especially in humanities.
Grammar Schools
Runescribe Posted May 21, 2007
"Most 'new' universities take it, just because they know GS students have some idea about how to study round things without being held by the hand."
That does rather depend upon where you studied it. I did, and needed, no reading around whatsoever.
Grammar Schools
van-smeiter Posted May 21, 2007
I really wanted to do GS A-level but my sixth form college didn't offer it. I always thought that it would be like an A-level pub quiz; turn up, have a laugh, and see how many answers you can get right. Perhaps it was/is nothing like that but I'd like to have had a shot.
I think that 'reading round' a subject is what gets you high rather than average marks at most levels of examination. The difficulty is that intelligent students often know that already and, by teaching that to the less intelligent, do we end up with students who can pass exams but not think? I guess that deserves another thread; how much can/should you teach students?
Sorry if that's off-thread. Van
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Grammar Schools
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