A Conversation for My Adventure with Pokemon

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon

Post 1

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

Entry: My Adventure with Pokemon - A51463352
Author: interspark - U13716911

hey all, here's another pokemon entry, ok, i know it's more entertaining than informative (or at least i hope so...) but it's something i've been meaning to do for a while. Enjoy!

A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon

Post 2


Is this a piece of fan fiction you made up, or is it a plot line used in one of the Pokemon games? If it's your own work and you want it to reach a wider audience, you might want to submit it to the Alternative Writing Workshop (<./>Writing-Alternative</.&gtsmiley - winkeye, which is h2g2's place for fiction and other content that doesn't fit the Edited Guide's Writing-Guidelines.

This forum (the Edited Guide Workshop) is for people to help finish entries that are intended for PeerReview when finished. If an entry doesn't fit the Writing-Guidelines, there's no point in submitting it to the Edited Guide Workshop - you should finish it and then submit it to the Alternative Writing Workshop if you want others to read it.

Alex smiley - smiley

A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon

Post 3

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

well it is a work of fiction i am making up, but i have quite a lot of ideas for the future of this story and if i ever finish it, it won't be for a long time.

A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon

Post 4


In that case, please take it out of this forum (go to <./>RF2?entry=0&skip=0&show=10&order=dateentered&dir=0</.> and click on the cross next to your entry). You should submit it to Writing-Alternative once you're happy for others to review it.

Thanks smiley - cheers

Alex smiley - smiley

A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon

Post 5


Much obliged smiley - smiley

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