My Adventure with Pokemon

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Hello all and welcome to my adventure with pokemon! (This is a fictional story not so much a guide entry so i apologise if this upsets any of the h2g2 guys) It's about the adventure of my fictional character Alex who lives in Ecruteak City with his pokemon tyrouge. He goes on a region hopping adventure meeting new friends and catching new pokemon. The story is inspired by my (and i imagne other poke'fans) outrage at the fact that there isn't a game in which you can go to all the regions and catch all the pokemon (as Alex will). If you like my story then please let me know what you think, and more importantly, where you want Alex to go next and what pokemon you want him to catch! Ok here we go!

Hi! my names Alex Taylor and I live with my dad and my tyrogue in the fighting dojo in Ecruteak city, im constantly training with my tyrogue to evolve it, because when he does, i'm going to start my pokemon adventure! I wan't tyrouge to evolve into a hitmontop so we make regular trips to goldenrod to buy protein and iron to keep his attack and defence level. We're competing in the bug catching contest at national park today and i think he'll evolve then (i don't plan on catching any bugs we're just in it for the training). We treck through the grass for a while... A BEEDRILL APPEARS!
"go tyrogue! use mach punch!"
Tyrogue shoots at the Beedrill and punches it backwards, it responds with a twineedle attack!
"tyrogue, jump and use brick break!"
Tyrogue leaps over beedrills stingers and pounds it hard, knocking it down. I congratulate Tyrogue and we continue walking, we see a scyther drinking from the fountain. I whisper to tyrogue,
"we'd better leave this one alone, you know scyther are part flying types, i dont think you can win..." Although i don't really expect tyrogue to walk away (he can be so competitive sometimes!). He shoots out of the grass with mach punch, slamming scyther into the fountain. Scyther slashes at tyrogue with it's sword like wings, tyrogue leaps back to dodge the attack and takes a flying tackle at scyther, hitting it again! But this time scyther retaliates with wing attack! Tyrogue crashes to the ground. Feeling bad for discouraging tyrouge earlier i say,
"don't give up tyrogue! run around it with mach punch and hit it with brick break!
Tyrogue dashes past scythers feet making it wobble and sends it flying with a powerfull brick break! Scyther comes crashing down and i congratulate tyrogue again. But then tyrogue starts shining, he gets bigger, he evolves into hitmontop! And the adventure begins...

Back home in Ecruteak i'm packing my bag and bursting with excitment,
"ok, food, pokemon medicine, TM case and the pokeball set May sent me". May's my pen pal, she lives in Hoenn and she sent me this pokeball set for my last birthday ready for when i start my adventure. It's made by a company called Devon and there's all different pokeballs for catching different kinds of pokemon. I say my goodbyes and head off, there are three roads leading away from Ecruteak. A road south through national park towards Goldenrod City, a road east towards Mahogany Town and a road West towards Olivine City.

I've always known i'd take the road towards Olivine first for a few reasons, firstly it's by the beach which is good, secondly there's the trainer tower which is sure to be a great experience for hitmontop and finally there's the small island of cianwood just a short boat ride away where there's a fighting pokemon gym. Now, i'm not really into the whole pokemon league thing i just want to raise a load of strong pokemon and have fun without having to worry about badges and gyms, it's just that a fighting gym will be a good challenge for hitmontop.

Hitmontop and i stroll along the path for a while gazing at the miltank in the fields (there are alot of miltank fields in this area). A trainer about my age (my character's 12) walks up behind us and says
"hey, you're a trainer right? Wanna battle?" I turn around and look at the boy, he has shoulder length red hair, a black jacket and a dark expression. The is a charmeleon trailing behind him.
"uh, ok. You up to it hitmontop?" Hitmontop nods enthusiastically and runs forwards. The boy glared at the charmeleon and it stepped forward too.
"i'm Alex by the way" i said.
"Silver" said the boy.
"ok hitmontop use rapid spin!" hitmontop started spinning on it's head and rushed at charmeleon "deflect with metal claw!" shouted silver. Charmeleon knocked hitmontop back skillfully. "Try again hitmontop!" hitmontop charged again, "metal claw!" charmeleon raised it's paw, "now counter with triple kick!" i shouted. Hitmontop kicked back charmeleons metal claw and kicked charmeleon twice, knocking it down. "get up and use flamethrower!!!" shouted silver, he was beginning to get angry. "rapid spin faster hitmontop!" as charmeleon opened his's mouth hitmontop started spinning quickly on the spot... but the flamethrower never came. Charmeleon breathed out forcefully, nothing happened. It tried again, nothing. Hitmontop stopped spinning.
"uh, are you sure your charmeleon knows flamethrower?" i asked.
"of course it does you idiot! You got a pokedex?", "no", "well here, see for yourself" he produced a small red box, a pokedex and pointed it at charmeleon. A picture of charmeleon came up on the screen, it was level 24, it was male, had a little under half it's health left and it's moves were scratch, ember, metal claw and flamethrower. "Charmeleon technically learned flamethrower yesterday but ever since i got this pathetic excuse for a fire type" charmeleon whimpered "ITS BEEN COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF USING FIRE ATTACKS!!!" silver roared.
"that's wierd, so it learns them but it can't use them? Has it always been like that?"
Silver glared at me.
"Ever since i hatched it, yes. Is that hitmontop your only pokemon?" slightly thrown by the change of subject i say "yes, why?".
"I only challenged you because i hoped you'd have a fire type to battle charmeleon with, but if you don't, i have better things to be doing". He took a pokeball out of his pocket and sent out a tall yellow pokemon with a long tail, it was a kadabra. "Kadabra teleport us back to Olivine" said silver. There was a flash of light and Silver, the charmeleon and the kadabra were gone.
"what a weird kid" i said to hitmontop. Hitmontop returned my puzzled look.

Shortly afterwards we stopped walking again. A group of miltank were running towards the path looking panicked. Suddenly a houndoom darted in front of them and snarled at them chasing them back to the farm. We followed them over the hill to see two more houndoom chasing all the miltank in the field towards large black vans with a red "R" painted on them. Next to the vans were men in black uniforms, also with "R"s on. Hitmontop and i run forwards, i shout,
"I find it hard to belive those miltank belong to you!" The men looked up. The houndoom stopped chasing the miltank.
"You've got a lot of nerve, kid. Do you even know who we are?" said one of the men.
"Oh, i can see who you are, you're poachers!". The men laughed,
"I suppose you could say that, we're an organisation called Team Rocket!"
"I don't care what you call yourself, let those miltank go!". The rocket raised his eyebrows,
"make us kid", "gladly, Hitmontop mach punch!", Hitmontop shot at the nearest houndoom, sending it flying. The rockets looked shocked, clearly they didn't expect me to fight them. "Houndoom, flamethrower!" shouted the lead rocket. The two remaining houndoom both shot flamethrowers at hitmontop. "hitmontop, rapid spin!" hitmontop started spinning on the spot. The flamethrowers hit, and then swirled around hitmontop, towering into the air. "Now stop!" Hitmontop stopped spinning and the flames went out. "Now triple kick!" Hitmontop leapt at the next houndoom knocking it out too. "HOW DARE YOU?!?!" screamed the lead rocket, obviously not used to being stood up to. He looked at the remaining houndoom "HYPER BEAM!" a bolt of white light shot out of the houndooms mouth directly at hitmontop. Suddenly the ground between hitmontop and houndoom crumbled and a huge silver pokemon shot out of the ground, the hyper beam bounced harmlessley off it. A girl a little older than me runs over the hill, she shouts "good, now you use hyper beam steelix!" a hyper beam shot out of steelixs mouth towards the houndoom, throwing it backwards. The rockets withdrew the houndoom into their pokeballs and snarled "you kids have got nerve! team rocket is an enormous organisation with thousands of members across kanto and johto! This setback means nothing!" They returned to their vans and drove off down the lane.
"thanks for your help" i say to the girl "i don't know what i would have done if that hyper beam had hit, im alex by the way", the girl says" i'm jasmine, the olivine gym leader, look i've got to get back to olivine now, i've got a challenger waiting". She withdraws her steelix to its pokeball and runs over the hill, i follow her, "hang on, but who were those people?", "Team Rocket" she says "they're a criminal organisation who steal and exploit pokemon all in the name of profit, they're run and founded by a man called giovanni", "so what were you doing here?", "it's kind of like a gym leaders unofficial duty to protect his or her town from threats like this, when i heard Team Rocket had been sighted in the area i came to investigate, nice work holding them off by the way", "thanks". Jasmine and i slow to a walk as we arrive in olivine.

Ok and that's all for episode one, i'll be seperating the adventure like this so that i't easier to follow and all that, bye for now!

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