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A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 1


Well, she's been a part of the clan for just over a decade but it's now official. On Friday my biggest bro' got married. smiley - wow

Mum, Dad, Nan, brother number deux and me got to the town hall first to have a lovely nutter swoop down on us. She appeared beside us and began asking why we all dressed up. After fifteen minutes she disappeared and then the rest of the guests started to arrive. Eventually the wedding car pulled up with my biggest brother, wife (smiley - wow) and daughter smiley - loveblush only for them to realise they didn't want to go through with it after all and they drove off again. smiley - silly Some waiting later they came back and the lovely nutter popped back again to poke the wedding dress. We all went inside (without nutter – she'd noticed the previous wedding party and dashed over to them) for vows and bleary eyes and more photies.

After the ceremony we littered confetti all the way down to the Winter Garden, a blinkin' large glasshouse with lots and lots of plants inside. I finally got the chance to wrestle Tiny Footie away from relatives to talk in silly voices while we had more photies taken. Brother number deux and uncle had both arrived wearing sunglasses and looking like bodyguards. Telling them this made them follow other guests around and talk into their cufflinks for a fair while.

Then we piled down to the hotel to trip over cobbles and almost fall into the canal. Tiny Footie seemed to find walking on cobbles easier than the rest of us and tottered from person with camera to person with camera. The rest of the day and night has blurred slightly. I dragged my unusually smart looking brother number deux and extremely merry brother number un onto the dancefloor for a boogie while Elvis (from where he came from I still haven't a clue) wandered around the room eating sausages on sticks.

By the end of the night there were just a few of us left gripping onto chairs for stability while waiting for brother number un to finish taking relatives and mates on multiple trips to gawp at his and wifies hotel room.

Couple of photies:

I've got a sister! smiley - somersault

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 2

Trin Tragula

N'awwwww! smiley - brave (Even photies make me fill up).

While the world is filling up with Footbacons! smiley - somersault

It all looks lovely... Tiny Footie get snapped a lot by any chance then? smiley - loveblush

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

What beautiful pictures! smiley - biggrin

Tiny Footie looks so sweet! smiley - hug

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 4


You big softie. smiley - tickle

Tons. The professional photographer snapped a great one of her in the hotel with her face pressed up against the window blowing bubbles. smiley - loveblush

She is indeed. smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 5

Zak T Duck

smiley - bubbly x loads

Asha looks totally adorable. Bet she's already got boys wrapped round her little finger smiley - winkeye

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 6


She's got everyone wrapped around her pinkie finger. smiley - biggrin

She's gorgeous. smiley - brave

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 7

Mrs Bojangles

More Footbacons?

Oh well, suppose you can never have too many nutterssmiley - smiley

Bet tiny Footie's already taken to surreal incomprehensible rambles, pestery poking cats and biscuit's all there in her eyes, she's got that 'I'm going to mess with your head now' glint. *sigh*smiley - loveblush

Congratulations to the obviously happy couplesmiley - bubbly

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 8


One day we'll all board a bus together. smiley - magic

Raspberry blowing rambles at the minute. She'll be introduced to flant tales soon. smiley - brave

A new Footbacon added to the Collection

Post 9

fords - number 1 all over heaven


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