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Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 1


Christmas cards from people at work smiley - headhurts

Oh and Christmas Rant No. 2 1/2
Christmas cards from people I haven't heard from all year, that say "Love from *soandso*" smiley - huh

I'm not doing Christmas cards at all this year smiley - ok

Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 2


smiley - whistle humbug...smiley - whistle

Actually, I agree with the work one. I don't send any to people I will see - all my cards have to need a stamp.

I suppose you do get a few from people you only hear from at this time - not many though for me - and then you normally get a newsy letter too, which brings you up to date. They're like yearly relationships!

Jules smiley - cracker

Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 3


Ah now, I absolutely don't mind the newsy cards smiley - ok That's fine smiley - smiley

It's the ones that just have "love from soandso" inside that irritate me.

I'm trying hard from now on not to be as bah humbuggish as I usually am smiley - sigh

smiley - laugh

Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I tend to agree, Fb. This year, I've only sent work Christmas cards to my team - usually I sent them to all sorts of other people. This year, I was so busy, I thought 'to hell with it'.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 5


smiley - ok I agree with you Haricot! No point sending something that just has a name scribbled at the bottom, as if you'll treasure and appreciate that money has been spent on a card.

In my place of work there has been an irritating alternative to sending cards. It started out reasonably - an e-mail to everyone saying a few people wouldn't be sending cards this year but instead giving a donation to a charity. But then other people joined in, and the blitzed e-mail has been sent over and over again each time with a name or two more on smiley - grr

Humbug. I haven't sent a work e-mail or donated to their charity.

Pimmsagrump smiley - sadface
(I have made charitable donations but I resent being cajoled into it or bragging about it)

Merry Christmas smiley - holly Your last with cold weather?

Christmas Rant No. 2

Post 6


smiley - smiley

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