This is the Message Centre for Monitor

BBCi MB Status

Post 1


Please post your BBCi messageboard status reports as replies to this thread. The administrators of this site will summarise them regularly.

I suggest you use a standard format as follows:

Date / Time / Board(s) / Status

Status can be one of the following: "Closed", "Open now", "Hangs indefinitely", "Error Message", "Very Slow", "Corrupt" (e.g. messages/buttons missing)


Tue 22 / 10:00 / All R4 Boards / Error Message
Sun 27 / 15:00 - 16:00 / QQ Board / Slow

BBCi MB Status

Post 2

Icy North

Fri 25 / 13:50 / R4, MC-H board / Error Message (Internal Server Error), but OK on retry.

BBCi MB Status

Post 3

Icy North

(originally posted by draculina on QQ Nights, on Tuesday 29 Jul)

icy... i must be missing something... but all morning the qq board has been trouble... if i had say 15 errors.. like appearing and disappearing messages, interal server error... etc etc... who wants to keep track of that... and who holds out hopes... see my posting on why oh why..

BBCi MB Status

Post 4

Vic Jim

30/07/03 11.00 MC Disappearing threads. Sometimes come back with original discussion but no replies although number of replies are marked in discussion list. When my reply was posted I could see all the other replies, but then everything disappeared again.

30/07/03 11.10 QQ disappearing/reappearing threads from discussion list.


BBCi MB Status

Post 5

Icy North

Thanks Vicki,

Yes I'm seeing this too on the Virtual Soapbox. Things posted by myself and others at around 9:30 disappeared and haven't been seen since (it's 12:30 as I write).

Icy smiley - snowball

Add your comments

Post 6


testing new "guestbook" feature...

Add your comments

Post 7

Icy North

(originally posted by draculina on QQN, Wed 30/7 15:30)
since opening this morning everything up the creek.... the discussionlist does not reflect what is happening if you go to last messages... last messages however, on refresh or if you post go back to doc's post at 15.41 yesterday and all subsequent messages disappear... to come on again perhaps on the 3rd refresh.... i posted a oneliner about 40 mins ago... lost in space... i think we should report when it works since that is the exception... performance like this does not eve allow a basic exchange to develop....

BBCi MB Status

Post 8

Vic Jim

31/07/03 11.23am QQ Just spent ages writing a reply to a thread on QQ. Pressed the Preview Message button and got.........


Due to a technical error, the message boards are unavailable at the moment. We're sorry for
any inconvenience this may cause. Please try again later.


Post 9

Pippa Read ¤

If you would like to tell us how well or how badly the BBCi messageboards are running today, then please type your comments here...

Thurs 31/11.30 am/Great Debate/Boards closed


Post 10


Righty ho, yesterday on the Archers boards no matter how many replys were shown on a thread when you clicked on it, you were only shown 2. Also, when an e-mail came through to say 'you have a reply' on clicking, no matter which board your reply was on you were sent to the great debate. Posh, over and out!


Post 11


If you would like to tell us how well or how badly the BBCi messageboards are running today, then please type your comments here...

All boards down today. Thursday July 31st. Yesterday there were several problems, the most irritating being on the Archers board where threads showing multiple replys only displayed 2 when clicked.


Post 12


Bugger, already done that. Sorry (multiple poster....slaps own wrist and logs off in shame.....)


Post 13

Icy North

Thanks Vicki, Pippa, Posh.

As far as I can tell, the whole of BBCi has been down all morning - no expectation of when it will be back. All boards seem to have had the problems with missing messages & replies all day yesterday.

James St George saw a message on Today yesterday (?) which said that the technicians were attempting to make changes in the production environment. The Major has posted a very amusing reply. See the discussions on QQ Nights.

Icy smiley - snowball

No! Not at all happy!

Post 14

El Bandido del Catmint.

No boards yesterday, still not available today, very very poor service. Also, I don't like the new black-on-white look, it makes my eyes ache, preferred the old white-on-blue. ("V Max", R5L, QQ & MC-H)

No! Not at all happy!

Post 15

Icy North

Just tried at 15:15. Boards closed with the following message:

"As regular users will have noticed, our messageboards are currently out-of-service. We'd like to apologise for this unexpected 'down-time' - wherever possible we aim to provide users with advance notice of any scheduled closure, but unfortunately in this instance a number of malfunctions meant that the service had to be taken off-line immediately, so that major problems could be addressed urgently. We'd like to reassure all our messageboard users that this is purely a technical issue, which our engineers are currently working to fix.

BBCi Messageboard Team"

Well, do you feel reassured?

smiley - snowball

Silver Lining

Post 16

Electric Hermit

The performance of the BBCi messageboards over the last two days has at least been consistent!


Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 17

Electric Hermit

It seems that, where the power of prayer may fail, the power of sarcasm will prevail! No sooner had I posted my previous comment than, lo!, the messageboards reappeared!

I'm off to try some really heavy irony on the National Lottery!


Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 18

Pippa Read ¤

And one hour later they're down again!!! 19.17

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 19


Message board open again! Jessica W - HOST - 2295th post - 1 Aug 2003 17:17
Unfortunately yesterday we had to take the boards down to perform some essential maintenance. Our technical team have been working really hard to get this complete as quickly as possible and we are now able to resume normal service. Apologies for any frustration and annoyance this may have caused and we do hope that you manage to catch up on any conversations you missed! > > The BBCi messageboard team.

Isn't it wonderful, the Great Debate Parliament has that host message saying it is now open again, however trying to reply gets the boards are closed,

'Due to continuing software issues, the messageboards have been taken out of service for further maintenance. We'd like to apologise for this current 'down-time' - we do hope you'll be able to resume your discussions in the very near future'

Perhaps this is the resumed normal service!

To be fair the Today board has accepted posts.

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 20


Oh dear, that will teach me to be fair, I just noticed they are accepting posts but they will only be put up now and again, eventually, last one put on is 45 minutes ago!

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