This is the Message Centre for Monitor

Fri Sep 5th 11:55

Post 61

Icy North

Back to normal.

Fri Sep 5th 11:45

Post 62


At 10:30ish the MBs pretended they didn't remember me again but did then let me login and even post (unlike the start of the week). At the moment they still remember who I am.

Fri Sep 5th 15:27

Post 63


I'm unable to post after preview. I get the BBC's "Internal Server Error" page (code 500 in TITLE) directing me to contact the webmaster.

Fri Sep 5th 18:27

Post 64


The board forgot me and made me login again. This time although it appeared to work it wouldn't actually let me post. BBCi MB Error:

"Until you have completed the registration process, you will not be able to post messages on the BBCi messageboards."

So it clearly thinks I'm some new person and not me (no verification email received as yet). Meanwhile all the reply links say state=unverfposter (which is clearly short for "unverified poster" like amod is short for "alert moderator").

Fri Sep 5th 18:27

Post 65

Major I. Sworter

Saturday 10am. 6/9/03. Board closed.
Unable to post, suspect there also may be a backlog of posts.

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 66

Tiny 2nd

Sat 13th, 11.15, right of reply removed on M.C.H. messageboard.

No reason given.

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 67


Saturday after Noon.

QQ and MC still not open for replies - have complained.

I was going to apologise to Spud - but.....I can't!

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 68


...and am now feeling less inclined to...

It's amazing what shoddy service does to a Chelsea Girls sense of humour!

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 69


12.30 QQ now open. MC-H! - Not.

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 70

Tiny 2nd

It's now 1430 and M.C.-H is still minus it's reply button, it would be nice to have an explanation, not from dear Anna but the faceless people who are hiding behind her

Sarcasm v Prayer

Post 71


Thanks Tiny, CG,

Having reflected on Spud's message on MC-H, I still think he's right. It's easy for us to get sidetracked when there's such little interest & activity, and it could have the opposite effect when the BBC look around for boards to cut. MC-H is probably safer than many of the other R4 boards, though. It's up to all of us to post as regularly as we can to save these boards (as you have done, CG).

Late opening

Post 72


Tues 7th Oct: boards open till 0130.

Wed 8th Oct: closed midnight.

Late opening

Post 73

Icy North

Thanks JR.

I'm thinking of putting this site in mothballs, until we need it again. Any objections?

smiley - snowball

Late opening

Post 74


The 'Opening Hours' button is now working again, and showing midnight closing time all seven days for the R4 boards. This is how they now seem to be working, apart from unexplained absences of varying duration at random times.

Late opening

Post 75

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Yo, Icy. This site might prove to be an interesting archive on future occasions. For now, the crisis does appear to be over. Let's hope it isn't needed again. Nice job though, and it's good to have facilities at the ready in case of a future threat to the boards. smiley - smiley


Late opening

Post 76


Thanks Doc,

I like to think it provided some sort of focus / anger outlet during the dark ages of August 2003.

Did I tell you that the BBC recently banned my h2g2 username? I'm now known as "Monitor" (not BBCiMonitor). It's nice to know they have some spare time on their hands these days.

smiley - snowball

Late opening

Post 77


I suppose they thought BBCiMonitor sounded too much like you were in charge of something or like a volunteer. I wonder if BBCiMonitoring or BBCiWatcher would have been OK.

Late opening

Post 78

Icy North

I didn't pursue it with them. I suspect that "BBCi" is taboo in user names.

"Volunteer" sounds good, if a little paramilitary.

smiley - snowball

Late opening

Post 79


Not since last spring it hasn't been. smiley - erm

Late opening

Post 80


Oh and that doesn't mean it was before. Merely that I don't know anything about it before then.

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