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Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 1


OK, this year, NaNoWRIMo? Idiotic idea given I work full-time and have health problems, or splendid idea given that I am clearly the next Elizabeth Gaskell? Discuss.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 2

Witty Moniker

I want you to write a real book. Fiction, non-fiction... doesn't matter.

Take your time, don't worry about NaNoWhatever. Then publish it and I will purchase it. Then I will purchase more and give them as gifts.

smiley - grovel?

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 3


smiley - blush

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 4


Well, on the one hand, if it would stress you out, then hmmm. Especially if something got in the way of you not completing. But on the other, you are able to write so very well even under stress, and really I am so totally with Witty.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Ditto. Oh, wait, there're 2 people I'm agreeing with. Er, tritto?

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 6

You can call me TC

Start anyway. If you don't make the deadline, carry on anyway - it would be a pity to waste the work done. Just do it for your own satisfaction.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)


Please write as well as you can - as I know you can. You can do it! Go girl!

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 8

Titania (gone for lunch)

After all, you have some pearls recorded at the Atelier Quote File:


Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 9

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I'm doing it, and I work full time and have severe Laziness problems. smiley - winkeye 1,667 words a day is actually only about two hours or so of writing (I've been experimenting with word counts by writing short fiction) and obviously that doesn't have to be All At Once. I'll be writing on my commute and possibly at other times as well. I'm getting around the possible stress with a lot of preliminary planning (which, contrary to popular belief, is completely allowed).

It seems almost cool at the moment to dismiss NaNoWriMo and encourage people to work at their own pace and in their own timescale but the thing is that's not a universal wossname, not everybody can do that, which is kind of the point of NaNoWriMo. I've Utterly Failed to write two novels by going at my own pace and in my own timescale, so NaNo might be just the right thing to actually get me going.

In short, I suggest at least having a go. Give it a few days and see how you're doing, and if it's not working out at least you've started a story which can be completed at your leisure.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 10

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Plus, as I've stated elsewhere, you have a way with words that is quite swoon-worthy.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 11


I love you guys. Have I ever said that before? smiley - blush

ANYWAY. Paranoia of the day - the novel I am planning is not particularly comic. And now I am convinced everyone who reads it will be disappointed because I am not being funny. I need to drink less coffee.

Planning and plotting is proceeding apace. I talked Scrumph's ears off at breakfast this morning, which was A Good Idea (it isn't normally) because he came up with the MOST clever idea about a plot point which was all deflatey and not-worky, and now It Is Cool. He is now looking somewhat smug and declaring himself to be my Muse, as well as Supplier In Chief Of Caffeinated Beverages And Meals With Vegetables In.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hooray for Scrumph - and who gave you the idea you had to be funny, of all things?

Just be yourself.

Nuff said.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 13

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Wot she said.

Your serious writing is wonderful and evocative, even when the subject matter most certainly is not. And this is coming from someone who prefers light and fluffy most times.

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 14

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

To paraphrase Mrs Doyle From Father Ted

'Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, you Know you want to!'

and i'm sure you could slip in some dark humour if you felt it truly was needed, which it isn't as i'm sure it would be wonderful anyway.

minismiley - mouse

Sudden rush of optimism.

Post 15


Mostly, I am trying to work a Woolly Mammoth in.

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