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Icy Naj 7 - Quiz
Icy North Posted Jan 8, 2016
Oh, I said these were a bit ephemeral, but they've actually been a lot more stable than usual.
Two have changed, however, and if I were setting the quiz today, I'd have used two replacements:
13. Undid ski - ugh!
15. Racial nuts
Icy Naj 7 - Quiz
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jan 8, 2016
So the new listing is:
1. A mini tooth occupier
2. Angola visual
3. Axle line
4. Bizarre tent room
5. Calmer TV scene
6. Clear my salad
7. Frozen quiches squeal
8. Game rider
9. Green news era
10. Hug Mr Shake
11. I'd hoe weed
12. Illegal nun empire
13. Undid ski
14. Lawn parade
15. Racial nuts
16. Old anorak men
17. Prop junk leg
18. Ruin calorie aid
19. Spiny lout
20. Visible clan
Icy Naj 7 - Quiz
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jan 8, 2016
Or is that:
1. A mini tooth occupier
2. Angola visual
3. Axle line
4. Bizarre tent room
5. Calmer TV scene
6. Clear my salad
7. Frozen quiches squeal
8. Game rider
9. Green news era
10. Hug Mr Shake
11. I'd hoe weed
12. Illegal nun empire
13. Undid ski - ugh
14. Lawn parade
15. Racial nuts
16. Old anorak men
17. Prop junk leg
18. Ruin calorie aid
19. Spiny lout
20. Visible clan
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Icy Naj 7 - Quiz
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