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Kreetch Started conversation Jul 21, 2003
Um. I really don't understand algebra, at all. What do the little stars mean?
Phoenix Posted Jul 21, 2003
Oh, that's what I used for multiplication. I was poking around others' personal spaces and saw that lots of folks seem to have these equations, so I wasted a great lot of time making one for my researcher number.
Kreetch Posted Jul 21, 2003
Ah! I feel enlightened, thankyou. I suppose little x's would give the impression that algebra is sexy and not at all confusing.
Kreetch Posted Jul 23, 2003
Poor thing, just cos people have to work to pay bills doesn't mean they shouldn't enjoy a smile or two. Unless you're an undertaker. There's something sinister about smiling Undertakers.
Phoenix Posted Jul 23, 2003
I suppose you're right. It's just that I work in a small office and my boss- well- visit my journal to see about my boss
and her Slug-Tongue.
I have three coworkers- one is really cool, a very laid back person ("Bazee"). One is nasty-but-nice: real pleasant in general, but always ready to tattle on you ("Bobo"). The third- well I haven't worked out the third yet ("Bingo"). Bingo was really nice at first. And I don't really have a specific reason to think that Bingo is not still nice... but... I dunno- the three B's together can be really exclusive to others (me). I tend to think that a truly nice person would make more effort to include me, even if I am a lowly, blithering admin.
The real crap of it is that my desk and work area are completely secluded. very pitiable, eh? Although the seclosion does allow me to waste time away on teeh Guide quite effectively.
I wish I had a few coworkers about who would play little office games with me and be subversive... Alas, nice or not, neither Bingo nor Bayzee would be into that- they're much too straight-laced about work.
Kreetch Posted Jul 27, 2003
Hey! Hi there again! How are the trio? Three's nowt worse than feeling unhappy in the work place. I used to work as a caretaker...with the public...*shudders*...still, at least you get time to surf. Perks of the job!
Phoenix Posted Jul 28, 2003
Well, let's see- Bobo has been a bit more tolerable lately. Bingo is still annoyingly nice- fake nice, you know? You don't have to like me, that's fine. But please dont *pretend* to like me. ugh... Bazee is still very laid back. A rock in teh sea of turmoil.
What is a caretaker? I mean, I have some idea of what that might mean, but one never knows from the title... What are you doing now? Free from the office mentality?
I keep searching the ads in the Sunday papers, hoping to get free of it all myself... It hasn't happened yet, but perhaps I will free myself by going back to school... Am thinking about marine biology! Or environmental science? That's my cheif problem- I am not really certauin about anything...
Take care.
Kreetch Posted Jul 29, 2003
Well, when I was a caretaker...*thumbs placed by shoulders, assuming the I'm gonna tell you stuff that will make your toes curl position*
...I worked in an Arts Centre, it had a theatre some function rooms and stuff like conferences, theatrical productions, arts and crafts went on in it. I got to set up staging, change lightbulbs, put up/take down spot lights now and then, make coffee, liase with the general public...hang on, maybe I'm making this sound a little too interesting...I also got to stay late at night doing set ups for the next again morning, bust my back hauling chairs all over the place, clean up puke, chase grabby handed kids away from the exhibitons I had just helped put up, listen to internal politics...the best bit about it was...well leaving, and when the wee cleaner would bring me in sandwiches. I apparently have the type of face that some people feel compelled to offer food too. Not that I am skinny...just must have that...I-am-soooo-hungary-even-though-I-just-munched-my-way- through-the-contents-of-your-fridge-look.
After some other awful jobs I'm now a support worker for independant living in the community. When I was at college I quite fancied marine biology, untill I remembered I cannae swim. Go back to school! Do something you'd really like! Really tick off your workmates by getting your face on the front of Time magazine
Phoenix Posted Jul 29, 2003
Wouldn't that do the trick? A mate of mine suggests that I tick them off in a somewhat different manner-
He says I ought to throw a giant party, invite (and secure) their favorite band to play (Phish) and then not invite them. When I come back on Monday from the amazing party/weekend/concert, I tell amusing little anecdotes, a la "Remember when the drummer from Phish got up on the roof of my house and stripped naked? And then he jumped into the mud pit in the side yard and didn't even hurt himself? Oh- wait- you weren't invited!" And then laugh heartily. I love this plan.
The thing about school is that I am so changeable/indecisive that I am terribly afraid of spending more money (i.e taking out more loans) on another degree that I might regret. The degree I have now has proved useless (though interesting (Philosophy)). I would hate to see that happen again. Although on the other hand, I have learned about myself that I like to "fix" things- make things better, you know? So the idea of environmental science or cleaning up the ocean is very appealing... I suppose I had betetr take some steps to just find out about the schooling required, though. Thta can't hurt, rught?
Is a support worker like a social worker (In the US)? That's funny, b/c if it is, I work in the same sort fo industry. I am just a secretary, but the agency I work for provides independent living services, employment services and more for people. How do you like your work now? (I am always curious about others' work as I have yet to find anythign I like...)
Kreetch Posted Jul 29, 2003
Um...I dunno. I work for a Scottish Charity for folk with Learning difficulties, promoting life skills, self, have you heard of a guy called O'Brien? He came up with the five accomplishments that folk usually need to get on in'd list them but I cannae for the life of me remember! I know, I know, the organisation I work is based on this whole philosophy and I cannae even remember the core parts! Good thing my appraisal says I'm alright...I could go on and on about how good my job is, the challenges it presents and the difficulties, but I'm on an early shift in the morning and my brain is rather dead...All I seem to be thinking about is cheese cake...
Phoenix Posted Jul 29, 2003
Hmm, sounds similar about what a social worker is here. My agency does all the things I said for the developmentally disabled population. Interesting little coincidence.
I haven't heard of O'Brien, but our agency manual says that to have a healthy self-esteem, all people need to feel that they are : Loveable, Capable, Worthwhile and Responsible.
Does O'Brien say something like that? I would add "engaged" or something like that to that list. I know that for me, knowing that the work I do is waaaaay below what I am capable of doing is pretty sad (i.e. this work requires little though, a trained monkey could do it...)
Well- I am nearly off work. (Thanks heavens)
Take care!
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- 7: Kreetch (Jul 27, 2003)
- 8: Phoenix (Jul 28, 2003)
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- 11: Kreetch (Jul 29, 2003)
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