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helllooooooo sexy

Post 61

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Sounds like a compliment to me. smiley - smiley

helllooooooo sexy

Post 62


Essex...a challenge for us your sweet side smiley - biggrin

helllooooooo sexy

Post 63

El Bandido del Catmint.

Grim up north, aren't they?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 64


have i got a sweet side lol im always sweet hun if u met me u would see id buy u roses and choccies

helllooooooo sexy

Post 65


Essex...I don't like chocolates..honestly smiley - smiley

helllooooooo sexy

Post 66


essexstud - I adore marzipan chocolate. So send your flowers to MM & just pop into Thorntons for me and this could be the start of a wonderful NotW story.....

helllooooooo sexy

Post 67


ok i will give them 2 u instead u will have c2 be quick tho coz they will all melt in this heat lol

helllooooooo sexy

Post 68

El Bandido del Catmint.

MMP, would you like some Twiglets instead?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 69


twiglets noooooo billericy bandit

helllooooooo sexy

Post 70


Oh dear. Too late. All the chocs have melted! What a mess. smiley - sigh Anyway, it's too hot for chocolate. I think I'll have a smiley - stiffdrink instead. With some hula-hoops on the side..

helllooooooo sexy

Post 71



helllooooooo sexy

Post 72


basil don wot?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 73


thats where i live in essex lol

helllooooooo sexy

Post 74


Does Basil like doing there?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 75


yeah basil brush dose everyone in essex boom boom boom

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