This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

helllooooooo sexy

Post 21


My name is legion smiley - biggrin and I don't live in Essex. I am over 2000 years old smiley - winkeye

helllooooooo sexy

Post 22


er u minger lol me bet ur old and grey then have u got a walking stick lmao xxxx

helllooooooo sexy

Post 23

IVA Richards

Basildon rox.

helllooooooo sexy

Post 24


me know basildon rox but do u lol cum on tell me how old u are mwah mwah mwah

helllooooooo sexy

Post 25


why is age so important to you stud? Let me guess...hmmmm....are you just a 17 year old perchance? Didn't anyone ever tell you that age is irrelevant?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 26


i am 28 hun but i think ur older by the way u talk either that or a grade a student with a posh up bringing not like us essex lads lol xxxxxx

helllooooooo sexy

Post 27

El Bandido del Catmint.

Depressing, isn't it?

Mind you, I wonder if he'd get on well with "Mister Goose Cogs"?

smiley - biggrin

I can see the beginnings of a wonderful friendship...

smiley - strawberries

helllooooooo sexy

Post 28

El Bandido del Catmint.

Dear Mister (?) Essex Stud,

I am also in Essex.

Would you like to meet?

I am a 37 Year old man with an as-of-yet unfulfilled desire to murder a stranger I encounter on the internet.

I'm free saturday after 3:30pm...

smiley - whistle

helllooooooo sexy

Post 29


I think the stud and the goosegog man would get on very well together smiley - biggrin...they probably know one another from "marches"

helllooooooo sexy

Post 30


ive read about peeps like u lol yeah i.ll meet u one day for a beer lol

helllooooooo sexy

Post 31


oi u cheeky thing im not that way inclined lol wot u up 2 sexy

helllooooooo sexy

Post 32


Bandit, it looks like all your dreams have come true smiley - lovesmiley - biggrin Go get him......smiley - whistle

helllooooooo sexy

Post 33


im gonna bite ur bum u carry on babes lmao

helllooooooo sexy

Post 34

maninblue've lost me there.

Anyone provide a translation, please?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 35

The Groob

This has to be a p*ss take, surely?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 36


"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man, as it is, infinite."

helllooooooo sexy

Post 37


Is an "essexstud" anything like a presstud? Only I've got one missing and my duvet keeps falling out....

helllooooooo sexy

Post 38


Leggy, did your mother not teach you to sew? No? Mine didn't either. Best buy a new duvet cover smiley - smiley

helllooooooo sexy

Post 39


who needs a duvet when me could keep u warm lol

helllooooooo sexy

Post 40

El Bandido del Catmint.


Staple it! Easy!

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