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helllooooooo sexy

Post 41

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Nah, just buy a new bed.

Hell, buy a new house...

helllooooooo sexy

Post 42


In fact - I think I'll leave the country ! smiley - smiley

helllooooooo sexy

Post 43

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Wahey! Who needs duvets anyway? smiley - biggrin

helllooooooo sexy

Post 44


Iz that cuz yu iz hot Alex? smiley - winkeye

smiley - snowball to cool yu down man smiley - biggrin

helllooooooo sexy

Post 45


hi hun hows u today

helllooooooo sexy

Post 46


Fine, thank you, Mr Stud

smiley - run

helllooooooo sexy

Post 47

El Bandido del Catmint.


helllooooooo sexy

Post 48


"Hun"? Isn't that racist to Germans? smiley - doh

helllooooooo sexy

Post 49


helllllooooooo where is everyone today lol

helllooooooo sexy

Post 50

El Bandido del Catmint.


No, "hun" is just short for "Honey", and isn't racist to Germans at all.

"Ghastly sausage-munching jerry" on the other hand, is totally unacceptable.

smiley - biggrin

helllooooooo sexy

Post 51

IVA Richards

"Pointy-headed, lerdehosen-loving, kraut war-monger" would also be beyond the pale IMHO. So don't use it.

helllooooooo sexy

Post 52


good morning happy people what u talking about today

helllooooooo sexy

Post 53


So, IVAR, does "greasy yet strangely charismatic garlic-chomping Frog" tread the fine line between insult and balanced comment?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 54


hi ya peeps how are u all

helllooooooo sexy

Post 55

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

That's fine, Leggy. Only the most over-sensitive lily-livered pansy - which itself is not at all insulting - would be offended by being called a 'greasy yet strangely charismatic garlic-chomping Frog'.

helllooooooo sexy

Post 56


What about "ponsy, over educated, soft headed, toffy, snobby southerner"?

helllooooooo sexy

Post 57


Somebody call?

- I'm not sure about the "over educated" though....

helllooooooo sexy

Post 58


good morning or afternoon wotever it is lol xxxx

helllooooooo sexy

Post 59


We could try, trashy, smelly, ill educated essex boys? smiley - biggrin

helllooooooo sexy

Post 60


Fleet - I know you meant to say " trashy, smelly, ill educated essex boys who are quite sweet really"? N'est pas?

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