This is the Message Centre for IVA Richards


Post 1


Sorry for interrupting IVA smiley - smiley, I was lurking, just wandering from conversation to conversation as the mood took me smiley - surfer, and spotted your bemusement at being personally named in the KerrAvon Personal Space.

It appears you are fairly new to h2g2, so you may not be aware that one of the things any researcher can do (if they are so inclined) is use GuideML to personalize their space. (Spicing up your user page: A690518)

This allows you to use Tags, which apart from basic formatting like bold and italics, also allows you to add smileys, bouncing, scrolling text and the cunning tag, that returns the name of whoever is viewing the page. It is this last tag that tricked you, and you'll find it pops up a lot smiley - winkeye

Pimms smiley - mistletoe


Post 2

IVA Richards

Ah! Thank you very much indeed for your help. You've saved me ebven greater embarrassment.


Post 3

IVA Richards


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