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Summer Plans

Post 1


Sigh. My stupid school starts up again in 19 days. smiley - sadface Summer flew by so quickly this year. I've always looked forward to school in the past because of the chance to see my friends. Well, AIM and driver's licenses have ruined that for me. This summer, it was so easy to plan an outing to Ice House, the park, breakfast smiley - oj, putt putt, and other cool places. So I saw most of my friends over the summer, and I don't really care about my school aquaintances that I never saw.

I've had a really fun summer though. I went to the beach with my mom and friend Cas smiley - hug and basically did whatever I wanted since my mom was there for a work retreat and I didn't see her much. I've spent the rest of the summer at home, working at Schlotzsky's Deli and seeing my friends. I made money and had a social life! Very groovy.

The rest of my summer will be fun. I spend the rest of this week, hanging around the house, going to work, and babysitting. Sunday morning, I'm going out to breakfast with some friends and then leaving for the beach (different beach then before). When I'm there, I'm going hanggliding and kayaking!smiley - laugh It will be so awesome. I also am going to see the play "The Lost Colony." I might go to Kitty Hawk and see some Wright's Brothers stuff while I'm in the area. I'll be there for about three days.

The day after I come home, I go to school to get my parking pass, locker, schedule, and--best of all--my off-campus lunch permit. I'll finally be able to leave the school and eat where I want! smiley - burger Yee ha!

Then, the week before I return to school, I'm going to NC State and volunteering at the vet school. I want to be a vet when I grow up, so this will be a blast! smiley - doctor I'm going to watch a surgery, attend a freshmen zoology class, and see the large animals like cows and horses. smiley - sheep I'm so psyched! It will be great!

Too bad school has to start then. But I will be a senior, which makes everything much better!

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