This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot

My second entry today.

Post 41


utopia? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. need i say more?

My second entry today.

Post 42

Mr. Carrot

Acourse, we all agree on that. Still, my definition stands (though very weaklysmiley - winkeye).

My second entry today.

Post 43

darakat - Now with pockets!

Well a really nice formal definition would be "ethics generally are for the good of society and not what is beneficial to the individual, while inderectly being beeficial to them by keeping them legally ethical, and generally in the right for society but it is more-for the benefit of the individual than moral implications which are purely for the good of others standings rather tahn implications" - Ethics, 1982, Wesley Clark

My second entry today.

Post 44


oh, yeah, wesley clark. wait, did i say that aloud? smiley - yikes

My second entry today.

Post 45

darakat - Now with pockets!


My second entry today.

Post 46


i dont like him.

My second entry today.

Post 47


at all.

My second entry today.

Post 48

Mr. Carrot


My second entry today.

Post 49


hes grating and presents himself as a total bigot. i dont like dean either, but thats because he IS a loud mouth. kerry seems half normal at least.

My second entry today.

Post 50

darakat - Now with pockets!

I think its a different Wesley Clark

My second entry today.

Post 51

Mr. Carrot

Very plausible...

My second entry today.

Post 52


yeah, sorry.

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