This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

I write like...

Post 141


Oh, I don't know. I like the idea of the living ones browsing hootoo and copying the writing style they find. smiley - winkeye

I write like...

Post 142

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - laugh

I write like...

Post 143


I've been wanting to visit that site. Thanks for making it convenient.
I think I can definately confirm some of the "looks for vocabulary" theory.
I put in two pieces I wrote: One a chunk of mostly dialog from a Harry Potter fan fic, and another a contest entry (monolog only) for Chamber of Secrets on Mugglenet, and got JK Rowling for both. I wouldn't have said they were stylistically terribly alike. (Would the words "Sirius" and "wand" have anything to do with this? smiley - winkeye)

My entry in the Public Radio three minute fiction came up with Steven King -- which actually may go against the vocabulary theory, as I didn't use a single four letter word in it.
smiley - erm
Anyway, it remains a mystery why my high school haiku got up Mr DF Wallace, or my one paragraph bio for a union election got Vonnegut.

Since someone already posted an excerpt that came up HP Lovecraft, I'll offer my own for your perusal (identifying bits removed). This is a description of technical points from a grievance meeting with management.
"Hi folks.
My only additions to Greg's two e-mails would be:
>Greg was going to get something in writing from the Management saying we would all agree that the grievance clock begins running with the first occasion where an aggrieved employee is not hired. (I assume he's got an e-mail or some such by now?)
>The Exec. Director expressly stated that he doesn't think past practice should apply, as the financial situation has changed. (I'm sure someone on the board will disillusion him on this point, unless maybe it's just a bluff.)
>We did not in any way retract our grievance already filled, just agreed to suspend the calendar until the violating engagement.
>Management is quoting this as justification: Art XX G "The {insert standard contract language]."
The Management's stated position is that they have been violating the contract in the past by engaging more employeess than there are defined positions. (That head count would work great in the other areas...)

Hope this is helpful.
on behalf of the Committee"

Sheesh! Lovecraft must be a real slog to read!

I write like...

Post 144

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Actually, Lovecraft IS a real slog to read. That parser may be reading sentence length and complexity, as well...smiley - whistle

A sentence lifted more or less at random from 'The Mountains of Madness', and quoted here as a fair-use example for academic purposes:

'In the end I must rely on the judgment and standing of the few scientific leaders who have, on the one hand, sufficient independence of thought to weigh my data on its own hideously convincing merits or in the light of certain primordial and highly baffling myth-cycles; and on the other hand, sufficient influence to deter the exploring world in general from any rash and overambitious programme in the region of those mountains of madness. '

Note the use of 'scientific' and 'primordial' in the same sentence. This is typical Lovecraft. smiley - whistle

Shortly after this lovely sentence, Lovecraft tells us that graduate students were different in his day. When working on an exploratory survey, the graduate student quotes an entire stanza of OTT Poe verse, something with lava in it.

Of course, graduate students may not have been *that* different:

'Danforth was a great reader of bizarre material.'

So Danforth might merely have been a Hootooer.smiley - winkeye

I write like...

Post 145


smiley - laughA h2'r no doubt.
Thanks for the amazing Lovecraft excerpt, Dmitri. Really now, I don't think my worst e-mails are that thick.smiley - erm I think after a page or two of that, I'd be reaching for a sharp knife for no good purpose.
Hmm... Maybe all of us should run our technical writing through this program and edit it for "Non Lovecraft" results.

I write like...

Post 146

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl That's great! You've found a new use for a website.

Spin-off technology... like Tang....smiley - wow

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