This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

Literature & Picnic

Post 21

aka Bel - A87832164

Just twice as much? smiley - tongueincheek

Thanks for that, hstwrd. smiley - smiley

Literature & Picnic

Post 22

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - applause
Yes, thank you all for these inciteful inputs. I...I've actually ~learned~ something along the way.
smiley - ok

Literature & Picnic

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

Thank you. smiley - smiley

I think this is just so typical for the h2g2 community: we share experiences and knowledge, and everybody adds to it by either asking questions, or telling about their own experiences. I just love this place. smiley - love

Literature & Picnic

Post 24

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

smiley - evilgrin

Just how hard was it to get all of your belongings back???
smiley - winkeye

Literature & Picnic

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, we had to wait until our bus was back. smiley - erm

It wasn't funny, really. The bus driver should have told us that she'd be away, and should have given us a chance to get our belongings off the bus.

Literature & Picnic

Post 26

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

I wouldn't be smiley - laughin a real life situation like that either...smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Very bad case of a company hiring someone without prescence of mind...smiley - grr
I do hope nothing turned permanently missing...smiley - erm

Literature & Picnic

Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

No, nothing was missing. And if the company *really* didn't know about her extra tour, I don't think she ever got a job with them again. But I'm convinced the company knew it and approved of it and just didn't admit it.

Literature & Picnic

Post 28

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

Sad to see such a bad example of cut-throat greed...smiley - erm

Literature & Picnic

Post 29

aka Bel - A87832164

You know what? I had completely forgotten about it. After all, that was two years ago. Good job I wrote this journal. smiley - biggrin

Literature & Picnic

Post 30

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK bad!!
smiley - hug

No need to remind anyone of such unpleasant things as this...
smiley - sorry

It seemed you had a nice the smiley - headhurtssmiley - winkeye

Literature & Picnic

Post 31

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, we had a great time. smiley - hug

It's been so long I can laugh about it now. smiley - laugh

Literature & Picnic

Post 32

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

smiley - biggrin
Goodoh!!!smiley - ok

I am going to head off now..Student Council meeting in a matter of a few minutes..smiley - smiley

I'm glad I got to "see" you for a bit..smiley - biggrin

Take care..g'bye...smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Literature & Picnic

Post 33

aka Bel - A87832164

Have a good afternoon. smiley - hug

Bye smiley - smooch

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