This is the Message Centre for Ra - sun god

If You are Ra who's Horus

Post 1



I think that I may have been one of then Egyptians once a long time ago, but worship sucks dont it. I'm a bit rusty on my Egyptology but Horus had a Falcon Head - any relation??

If You are Ra who's Horus

Post 2

Ra - sun god

smiley - biggrin Hi Docsharp, no.. Horus and me are not related. mind you, he's several thousands years younger than I am. He still had nest-feathers on his head when I had made the sun travel for lifetimes.

Mind you, Horus' mum, that's Hathor, wouldn't like it if I would be the same one as Horus smiley - whistle

If You are Ra who's Horus

Post 3


Hey, what was the story on Set then, I hear you travelled a lot with him in that Barge at night through the underworld where he was one of your minders.

In Horus's time they said Set was homosexual, and the two of 'em had a bust up, as you know. Guess you aren't a homophobe then! Some churches these days are funilly enough. By the way Set's seed seemed to find something fertile in that river, 'cause they definately live on.

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