A Conversation for The Planet Sex

Yes Lesbien

Post 1


Fascinating But flawed. What about the sexualy chalenged? in acourdence with murfies Law

Yes Lesbien

Post 2


Lord! Just think of the logistics of trying to make that much sex safe. If Planet Sex had the same population as earth, and everyone had sex every 15 minutes, 14 hours a day, that makes 6,000,000,000 * 14 * 4 * 364 = 122,304,000,000,000 people have sex each year, divided by 2 = 61,152,000,000,000 instances of intercourse a year.

This means Sixty One Thousand; One Hundred and Fifty Two Billion condoms would be produced, used and disposed of every year if the safe sex message were followed properly. Planet Sex better have good waste management facilities...smiley - erm

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