This is the Message Centre for beetle, return of

Weird Text

Post 1


I am new to all this stuff so i'm sorry if you've answered this question a hundred times in the last 5 mins, but.....
How do you get the link text on your page to change colours like that?

Weird Text

Post 2

beetle, return of

Cut and paste the following to your page after the tag....

<!-- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript from ISN Toolbox
Copyright 1996, Infohiway, Inc. Restricted use is hereby
granted (commercial and personal OK) so long as this code
is not *directly* sold and the copyright notice is buried
somewhere deep in your HTML document. A link to our site is always appreciated of course,
but is absolutely and positively not necessary. -->

function initArray() {
for (var i = 0; i < initArray.arguments.length; i++) {
this[i] = initArray.arguments[i];
this.length = initArray.arguments.length;

// you may fill this colors array with your colors.
// the script will rotate the links through these colors
var colors = new initArray(

pause_time = .3; // in seconds

link = 0; // starting color index (in colors array) for unvisited links
vlink = 4; // starting color index (in colors array) for visited links

function linkDance() {
link = (link+1)%colors.length;
vlink = (vlink+1)%colors.length;
//alert("link "+link+"\r\nvlink "+vlink+"\r\nvlinkColor "+document.vlinkColor);
document.linkColor = colors[link];
document.vlinkColor = colors[vlink];
// -->

Alter the values if you want it even funkier.

Weird Text

Post 3


As if it isn't damned annoying enough already. smiley - winkeye

Weird Text

Post 4

beetle, return of

*laughs evily*

Weird Text

Post 5

an apple tree

MA HA!!!!!
i'm stealin THAT!

Weird Text

Post 6

beetle, return of


Weird Text

Post 7

an apple tree

just as i suspected!

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