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Too Much Time On My Hands

Post 1


Too much time on my hands again I guess. I know I should be working right now - there's an activism guide to write after all. I really should be researching how to make paint bombs, molotov coktails, avoid Waihopai words and generally undermine the government. But I'm stuffing around instead. (Obviously).

Maybe I should get up the nerve to put in a Guide Entry or a user page. What would I write about? The only thing I know enough about is student activism at the University of Auckland, which I don't really think is going to be of great interest to other h2g2 users. Especially as most of them seem to be British. I could write about all the bullshit going on on campus I guess - how Graham Watson is trying to destroy the students' associations, get rid of non-bloke oriented groups and interests and generally stuff up any effective left-wing activism. But again I should imagine that that's only of interst to me. And really it all sounds more like a soap opera than reality. I think I'm a wee bit obsessive about student politics (definitely a bad thing).


Too Much Time On My Hands

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

We're willing to give you the benefit of the doubt smiley - smiley - the simple fact you're here implies a greater depth to your experience than you've let on.

At a very simplistic level, I could suggest you could tell us about the University of Auckland. Or Auckland (I don't think there's an entry on that yet). Or the NZ education system. But I'm sure there are other facets to you: do you have a secret passion for 17th century French poetry? Or a collection of baseball caps with amusing slogans on? Or a conviction you were Boris Yeltsin in a previous life (since the present one is clearly an animatronic robot, and not a very good one at that)?

What do they know of politics, who only politics know?

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