This is the Message Centre for Spanner

it's over

Post 1


the worst of it anyway - last exam okay ('cept for writer's cramp) - off to blow stuff up. and this year, which is not one that i'll look back on as the good ole days, is that little bit closer to completion. now i just have to tough out exec until the 31st of Dec and i can start anew, with a fresh white page. yay!

sorry won't be back to post until tomorrow night i think, but i'll catch up then smiley - smiley

it's over

Post 2

Researcher 93445

Hey, congrats. Enjoy the explosive festivities. Maybe I'll do some target practice here and blow a few things up myself in honor of Guy Fawkes, anarchist hero.

it's over

Post 3


yeah it was good - except the much vaunted mortarman (aka boom man) was a huge disappointment, which is not surprising - the quality of most things seems to be inversely proportionate to the hype. some people are still letting off fireworks tonight, i can hear them from here - yay! over here people seem to have stopped burning guys too, which is all good.

it's over

Post 4

Johnny the Red

yep, nowadays women are much more progressive. Instead of burning guys they just hit them with hammers.

smiley - smiley

it's over

Post 5


or hitting them with spanners

it's over

Post 6

Johnny the Red

I firmly advocate the right for women to hit men with whatever tool, or household cutlery, as becomes necessary.

except for nut-crackers.

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