This is the Message Centre for Spanner

bad server

Post 1


keeps going down when i'm in the middle of something then takes ages to log back on - which is why i am so far behind in replying to everyone's posts - so thanks to all and sundry for the luck wishes, 'fraid i won't be able to reply properly until tomorrow due to aforementioned server problems and a wee argument over the dedication of phone lines in this house smiley - winkeye

bad server

Post 2

Johnny the Red

... and it's so hard to find a priest at this time of night?

sorry, another bad pun - but it's late at night, and i've had too much coke, too much good company, and too little sleep, so i think i should be excused

bad server

Post 3

Researcher 93445

Hang in there...pass that exam...we'll still be here smiley - smiley

As for phone lines, I seem to find myself constantly wanting more. Somehow that always seems to be the solution to those arguments.

bad server

Post 4


thanks - today's went surprisingly well (got to write lots of cool rants about how screwed our governmental system is and this righteous piece about the government hypothetically basically killing off the courts he he he)

as to phone lines we already have two and no matter how many times i suggest we switch the internet to my line i am still fighting for time with the fax and the two phone numbers on the other line (ie the one we use for the internet) arrrggggh.

nevermind, i'm moving out soon, and i'll have to buy my own puter. smiley - winkeye

bad server

Post 5

Johnny the Red

bad server! baaaad server! Don't do it again!

[johnny walks of dazed into the night, looking for Sam Hunt, to throw poems at]

bad server

Post 6


too much caffeine johnny - take a break man

bad server

Post 7

Researcher 93445

We're up to two phone lines & a frame relay connection to the internet...and suddenly our web sites are getting hit more and we may have to pay for a fatter pipe or move to a hosting service...ah, the joys of technology. Wasn't this stuff supposed to make our lives easier?

Oh well. Once you're past exams and moved out and with your own phone line and computer...well, I guess we'll see you over in the H2G2 Addicts topic.

bad server

Post 8


have already visited the addicts site, but things got awfully technical so i scurried back over here

it's a bit like that whole thing about the paper less office i guess too

bad server

Post 9

Researcher 93445

"Paperless office," what a crock of shit. I fear I go back far enough to remember when that was first being touted...before we all realized that computers allowed us to churn out lots MORE paper with almost no effort. At this point I figure the only way I'll see a paperless office is as part of the smoking rubble of a collapsed industrial civilization...hmm...aren't we supposed to be having that after December 31?

bad server

Post 10


well we'll get it before you, so i'll let you know (or maybe not)


bad server

Post 11

Researcher 93445

Hm, well, there is that. I guess if I wake up January 1 and there's no H2G2 here I'll assume you're off knocking over rabbits with rocks or something. Seems to me that law will be a less attractive proposition once civilization collapses. Me, I'll be hauling water from the spring, since the pump ain't gonna work without electricity.

bad server

Post 12


oh no, i've been informed by some comrades who shall remain nameless that i need to continue with law so that they have someone to draft the constitution when the revolution comes smiley - winkeye which kind of seems like there's no point in having a revolution, if everything's going to be inherently the same, but hey, i better be careful or it'll be my back against the wall smiley - smiley


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