This is the Message Centre for Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

My pointless life- part 2

Post 1

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

Still listening to MM but am in a fairly better mood. It's 18.41 (that can't be right, It was only 5.05 earlier!) What I've done since my last posting:
1. Made my ex think I'm weird and possibly insulted her.
2. Drank 2 bottles of Dr. Pepper and 2 bottles of Coke. My hands are quivering like an archer's bag maker.
3. Lost a 5 games of chess. In the end, the better man lost.
4. Ate a Calypso lolly. The only thing I've had today except for 1 Cadburys cream egg when I banged my head and 1 croissant when I had nothing to do.
5. Thrown loads of those weird paper things that bang when you stamp on them or throw them.

Well I'm going to get something to eat now but not really eat it probably. I'm almost certain I'm suffering from stress. My hair is thinning faster than it was when I was having a holiday and I'm not eating as much as i want to. I'm just forgetting.
Thanks to the following people- Mum and Dad because I've got to really, God for bringing me into this life curse him (seriously, I'd rather not be here but I'm stuck with it now), Marilyn Manson and the good people at Coca Cola. Mmmm. Coke.

My pointless life- part 2

Post 2


I don't like MM and anarchy. I like organized chaos. I like to listen. I like to whinge.
I hate depression.

My pointless life- part 2

Post 3

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

I like MM and Anarchy. I have no objections to organised chaos (is that anything like organised crime). I like to be ignored (at times). I love hating. I hate my right eye- Its as red as a big red rock eater.

My pointless life- part 2

Post 4


Right now I love lazy and sunny sunday mornings and positive attitudes. smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

My pointless life- part 2

Post 5

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

If I built a time machine I would go back in time and stop Handel writing the Messiah. I made a deal with my Mum I would listen to Handels Messiah, beggining to end if she listened to my sort of music for 2 hours or so. Methinks I know not what I got myself into!

My pointless life- part 2

Post 6


Oh, it's not the worst that can happen to you. smiley - winkeye Though I have to admit that Wagner goes better with MM. smiley - tongueout

My pointless life- part 2

Post 7

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

Oh hardy hahaha. I'm so amused I think I might jump through a window!
13.25 and I've already listened to the first 37 pieces. Only another 16 to go.



My pointless life- part 2

Post 8

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

My pointless life- part 2

Post 9


You remind me very much of my friend before he stopped taking his acne medicine. Now he is spotty but joyful and humours me when I dye my hair every other week.
MM very depressing, but you should try the Cure. They are not as stompy but still yummily miserable. One of their new songs makes me cry instantly. But don't be miserable! There are lots of lovely shiny things in life. You will find your nail polish. Your hair will be friendly. Everything with your ex will be ace. Optimism!

"An optimist is somebody who knows how sh*te life is. A pessimist is someone who wakes up every morning and rediscovers this."

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