A Conversation for Dantooine

Dantooine's plains

Post 21


*He climbs up onto a rock and begins his meditation, not wishing to disturb those in a mass fight... These other jedi... they are not the same... let's his thoughts be mindful of the backlog...*

Dantooine's plains

Post 22


*he gets up and leaves on his small craft. Today is not the time... there is great suffering and pain of of a thousand sci-fi and anime shows*

*flies away...*

Dantooine's plains

Post 23

Shedao Shai master of the mighty forces of the Yuuzhan Vong

*The Rakamats fire at the gliders and the mechs with their insane numbers of plasma and volcano cannons while the gliders continue to dogfight with the gliders. The warriors battle the Jedi*

Dantooine's plains

Post 24


Shai I'm taking it you attacked my troops in the orbit thread and it just sliped your mind to mention it here.

*Several bolts (or whatever the Vong shot) from the sky begin to slice through the mech devision. Unfortunately for the Vong the division is hovering above their units and the shots blaze through on to the Rakamats and the occasional isolated collection of warriors.*

Dantooine's plains

Post 25

Shedao Shai master of the mighty forces of the Yuuzhan Vong

*a few rakamats, a handful of skips, and several warrior squads die under the battle ship's guns. The survivors continue their battling, pillaging, dogfighting and so on*

Dantooine's plains

Post 26


*The Olympus forces only take minor damage. That is until another barrage from the Yuuzhan Vong fleet hits again. Like their first orbital bombardment the weapons fire take out a small collection of the hovering mechs and a few skips and then continue downward hitting the Vong ground troops and rakamats.*

Dantooine's plains

Post 27

Shedao Shai master of the mighty forces of the Yuuzhan Vong

*a few rakamats, a handful of skips, and several warrior squads die under the battle ship's guns. The survivors continue their battling, pillaging, dogfighting and so on*

Dantooine's plains

Post 28


*The Olympus forces just decide to bugger the resort and begin to colapse the buildings on top of Yuuzhan Vong troops. Otherwise they, too, continue to battle, destroy, dogfight, etc. while still taking minor damage.*

Dantooine's plains

Post 29

Shedao Shai master of the mighty forces of the Yuuzhan Vong

*the Rakamats fire at the mechs while the skips strafe them from above. the warriors in the uncolapsed resorts escape them and start to attack the mechs too, with blast bugs (high explosive grenades) and amphistaffs (moleclear edged glaives*

Dantooine's plains

Post 30


*The mechs take to a higher altitude. One which is greater than the warriors find they can throw the blast bugs, which they continue to do for a short period of time, only to have them fall back onto their own forces. The mechs have taken mediocre damage as compared to other Vong attacks and continue to attack the rakamats while wondering whatever happened to those jedi that were here before. Death gliders destract the skips from the ever manuvering mechs by opening fire on them.*

Dantooine's plains

Post 31

Shedao Shai master of the mighty forces of the Yuuzhan Vong

*the skips, defending against the death glider's shots with their dovin basals drop down "to the deck" and strafe the mechs at close range with their plasma and volcano cannons while the rakamats (also defending with their dovin basals) return fire on the enemy mechs with their plasma and volcano cannons*

Dantooine's plains

Post 32


*The skips, flying at such a speed and the required altitude, begin to crash into the unpredictably moving mechs; raining reckage down upon the rakamats. Those who do not crash take sparatic fire from the mechs. Death gliders continue to chase and fire upon the skips, errantly strafeing the rakamats.*

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