A Conversation for Tips on Moving in with Someone


Post 1

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

When confronted with a new roommate, the best thing to do is sit down and talk to them about any little thing that gets on your nerves, or could conceivably do so two months down the road. Something that bugs you a tiny bit but isn't worth mentioing can easily get out of hand later, but you can't speak up about it or your roommate will wonder why you never brought it up before. For example, the roomate having random visitors is completely fine, but if the visitors start to become permanent fixtures, or insist on routinely having hysterical, earth shattering conversations in the mornings in your joint room while you're in bed asleep, it's possible that you'll explode leaving your roomate to wonder what the heck she did and why didn't you mention this earlier.


Post 2


I completely agree – Talk to each other and bring problems up early on
Email and txt should be banned! if you have problems talk to them face to face or over the phone and don’t even think of leaving nasty notes around the place as that is guaranteed to wind the other person up
Most people are reasonable and most problems can be sorted out without much fuss or bad feeling!

Love living in a shared house!
It does teach you to be more tolerant and considerate and gives you long-lasting friends!

Good luck to all you out there!

smiley - hug

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