This is the Message Centre for johnboy12

Welcome from the local LDers...

Post 1

Loup Dargent

hi...smiley - smiley

welcome to h2g2...smiley - bubbly

i'm on my way out just now but i thought i would post you one link already, it's the one for the plain skin which is a digibox friendly background helping the machines to access long conversations...smiley - magic click on A948602 and that will take you to the entry where the link and instructions are...smiley - wow

there are a few more LDers related links on their way...smiley - cool but, if you want you can click on U200238 and that will take you to my personal space where some of the links are displayed...smiley - smiley

you can also visit the LDers Space at U201567 ...smiley - disco

talk soon...smiley - surfer

all the best...smiley - bubbly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Welcome from the local LDers...

Post 2


Thankyou for the help.
I like your space it`s cool.

Welcome from the local LDers...

Post 3

Loup Dargent

hi johnboy..smiley - smiley

thanks...smiley - cheers more will be done eventually (my space is a bit like an annexe of the LDers space [which i don't mind smiley - smiley] at the mo')... more links to be added, some long overdue updating to do etc...smiley - yikes it will be worth it at the end still...smiley - biggrin

i didn't have a chance to go to the cybercaf yesterday... but i should be able to visit my local library later on so i will try to post more LDers related links to you...smiley - smiley

we have an Advice Corner thread at the FoLDers Arms [our own virtual pub smiley - cool] so once you got the link for it feel free to use the facilities...smiley - wow

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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