A Conversation for Meeting People on the Internet

re: your post

Post 1


I disagree with you here
"you're just as likely to find your soulmate at a club, or in the park, or at the record store."
In my experiance, this doesnt happen, unless your very very lucky. The odds of meeting your 'soulmate' down the road , i would imagine are against you.

"So I say, don't go looking for love, you're bound to find only heartache. Instead, be nice to people and someone will fall in love with you. And if you're really lucky, you'll fall in love with him/her/it too. "

I agree that you shouldnt go out looking for love. Im pretty sure that it doesnt work that way. Thats just my opinion, its down to the people involved i guess, and how they feel about the subject.

re: your post

Post 2

Codename Nomad

well it's a good think you're pretty sure of it. otherwise it might not seem credible.

re: your post

Post 3


i guess it is a good thing.


Post 4


Love is an illusion, true love doubly so.

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