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The End of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Post 1

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

Well.... Buffy ended last night.. forever. It was a bitter sweet ending with new hope and beginnings , but laced with the death of 2 main characters in heroic and tragic sacrifices.

I have been a Buffy devotee since the beginning of the series in '97 (and even the film in '92) and it now feels weird that it won't be coming back next year as usual.

Should I be feeling down about a program like this -- of course not... not if I was entirely normal, but as it happens I'm a freak and have reality problems so I'm ok with the concept! smiley - weird

So goodbye Buffy... and thankyou. smiley - blue

smiley - vampire

The End of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Post 2

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

smiley - rose for Buffy...
smiley - cry

I still think that they could have explored the theme of Spike being a 'champion' and so on a bit more - maybe they should have made the last ever show a two-parter?
But then I am a bit biased - I do have a rather unnatural love for Spike. smiley - blush
smiley - vampire

My Thursday evenings are never going to be the same... smiley - wah

Oh, hi by the way! smiley - biggrin

The End of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Post 3

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

Hi! Thanks for the input!

Nice to find another Buffyite! Although I reserve my love for Buffy, I did like Spike and had moist eyes when I realised he was going to die.... and when she said she loved him and he said 'no you don't, but thanks....' that was painful... smiley - wah

Looks like Joss has put paid to any real continuation of the series though by making evryone a slayer and destroying Sunnydale!

smiley - vampire

The End of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Post 4

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I thought that when Buffy told Spike that she loved him him, it would have been much more poignant if he had not denied her feelings, but had just looked at her in his intense smiley - vampire like way, and let the look do the talking.

I know that James Marsters has signed up for all the episodes of the next Angel series, so it will be interesting to see how they'll work that one out! smiley - doh

The End of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Post 5

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hi Gothyra!
smiley - biggrin

Are you still around?

smiley - zoom

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