This is the Message Centre for Heron 227790
Hey there!!
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Started conversation May 16, 2003
Hi my name is Stephanie and I am an H2G2 Gaurdian Angel. I am hopefully helpful enough to guide you around this eccentric place. I'm on almost every day so if you ever need anything just click on my name and leave a message at my site.
I like Oscar Wilde too!!
Hey there!!
Heron 227790 Posted May 17, 2003
Hi there! Thank you for visiting
I am starting to find my way round now, lots of fun to be had although I managed to screw up on the Add Four Words game, *blush*
I will no doubt take you up on the kind offer soon!
Hey there!!
Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content Posted May 17, 2003
Ok, it's nice to hear that you are finding your way around ok....
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Hey there!!
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