A Conversation for Revision Support Group


Post 1


Any people round here who do Chemistry. I need help. Say "yay" if you are, "nay" if not.

Any Chemists....


Post 2


nayish smiley - erm

don't do it directly but I cover a bit in modules...


Post 3


I *did* chemistry A level...might be able to help in some topics...if not it might be worth asking hoovooloo or some of the other chemists on the salt PR thread: F48874?thread=276217 ?


Post 4


Aaaargh. I have since forgotten what I wanted to ask!!!!


Post 5


Perhaps you've found it?


Post 6



am doing chemisrty finals at the moment so might be able to help, though on the basis of what i knew for todays exam probably not,

well here if you remember



Post 7


This group is desperately short of chemists, so any help would be much aprreciated. smiley - biggrin Hope your exam was alright...smiley - smiley


Post 8


aha!!!! I have remembered the problem. Never mind though, I asked my chemistry teacher the other day. It was just a gap in my otherwise impecable Chemistry knowledge.

In case anyopne cares the problem was I wasn't sure about Lead, it has a variable valency so is it a transition metal? My chemistry teacher said "No" which wasn't very helpful. Oh well. I don't actually need to know for my exam, I just don't like not knowing things about Chemistry.


Post 9


We now have a chemistry bader, so if you still want to know, you could ask her. smiley - smiley


Post 10


Hmm, a badger who knows chemistry. A rare woodland sight!


Post 11


smiley - laugh Yes, a bit of a rarity


Post 12


Who is this chemical badger?


Post 13


Your thing on revision support group says your exams finish on May 28. That is today. Congratulations!!! I still have 3 weeks left.
smiley - sadface


Post 14


Yes, consequently quite smiley - drunk, but hey smiley - laugh

3 weeks? smiley - yikessmiley - hug

Can't type well, think is ... Is link up on main page. smiley - biggrin Probably spelt wrong, but mostlAemer, but the A and e are joined together in way which I can't type on my keyboardy right. smiley - laugh

did I say qwuitre drunk? soory, meant vdey drunk. Never mind.


Post 15


You didn't say drunk at all, you said smiley - drunk. That being the same though it doesn't really matter. With my quick maths I have just calculated that you posted that post at 1 in the morning. Why were you on H2G2 at 1 in the morning?!?

Anyway, thanks for the garbled message, at least I know who is the chemistry badger now.

Good Luck with the hangover!smiley - hangover!smiley - smiley!

smiley - spork


Post 16


Why? Well... I'd got back from the pub (the third one I think) at that point, and was at the drinking soft drink stage. Not sure exactly when I got back, or when I went to bed. Also not sure why I slept at the other end of the bed but not sure there was a reason...smiley - laugh

More questionable is why I got up at 7. smiley - yikes

No smiley - hangover, not sure how, but not complaining smiley - biggrin

I think that message was quite good considering, there was even some ungarbled stuff in there. smiley - bigeyes


Post 17


I noticed you were online but thought you may have drifted off in front of the computer last night after finishing the last message.

Strangely I woke up at the wrong end of the bed even though I haven't had a drink for about 2 months (alcohol I mean, soft drinks have been plenty over the last two months otherwise I would be dead)

I've just noticed how this is a thread about Chemists yet this has no relevance to chemistry at all. Such is the way of h2g2 it seems.


Post 18


I presiume your drunken rambling refered to Aendr the mad hatter. I had guessed it was her since she was the newest but I checked out her page and found no reference to it so I asked you, what with you being a friendly ACE.


Post 19


Yes, she's who I meant. She only volunteered yesterday (or was it the day before?) so hasn't done much yet.

I don't actually drink much, just on certain occasions, such as end of exams. smiley - biggrin Though I don't often turn down a drink when given to me.. As for the rambling, that is my normal way of things. smiley - laugh I just normally manage to type it better. Anyway, I judge by the smiley - spork that you joined the thingites. Consequently, you should be able to follow the rambling without too much difficulty. smiley - winkeye


Post 20


Yes true, I am a thingite. Also, I ramble a lot sometimes o have the gift of being able to follow it.

I wasn't calling you an alcoholic, there'll probably be a few parties after my exams and I won't turn down a drink.

smiley - spork

I take it you are not a thingite

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