A Conversation for The Canadian Researchers' Club

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 1

Lord High Mucky-Muck

being a resident of athabasca, ab, i would love to be part of the group. sign me up!

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Welkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

Is the mucky part about the tar sands?

smiley - tongueout

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 3

Lord High Mucky-Muck

the tar sands are actually 3 hours north of here by fort mcmurray... and they are indeed yucky

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 4


Hi smiley - smiley Welcome to the group..
Good ole Fort Mac.. lol.. i cant say i miss it. Im more of a fan of Ontario (no offence)
Sorry it took me awhile to add you things have been crazy and im hoping they are going to settle down now tha its like summer here again
smiley - fairy

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 5

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Lonefaery! Missed you! How are you?

Cheers from the Left Coast!

make mine a double-double sign up

Post 6


Hey, Lonefaery,

Havent seen you around much. smiley - smiley

Could you sign me up?

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