A Conversation for The Canadian Researchers' Club

The Collapse of government

Post 1


Just Yesterday, The House of Commons passed a non-confidence vote. Meaning a General Election coming up. Dang, did'nt we just have an election like 17 months ago?

The Collapse of government

Post 2



Considering that the Government already was planning for an election in April, who are you going to blame for this one?

And, considering the fact that every indication is that the new parliament will look very similar to the old one (minority government, either Liberals backed by the NDP or Conservatives backed by the Bloc) what sensible nationialist citizen in English Canada is going to vote for the Conservatives?

The Collapse of government

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I guess the key-word there is "sensible". Or the Liberals wouldn't get any votes either...

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