This is the Message Centre for Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 1

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

......well, he does but he ain't much of a baby anymore!smiley - wah Yes, my youngest cherub is 1 today!smiley - biggrin
He's a right little bruiser, let me tell you! For a little lass, both my babies have been bruisers. Hmmmmmm.........might have something to do with their 6ft3 dad!!smiley - dohsmiley - laugh
So my mission is to keep the "broody emotions" at bay. I don't want any be warned new mums & pregnant women, keep your distance. If i see you coming, i WILL turn & bolt the other way. No i'm not being rude, its just the only way i can keep my "broodiness" at bay!!!
smiley - smiley
Walks away chanting...."no more babies, no more babies, no more babies........."

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 2

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Happy Birthday Little Miss's Sprog!

That's wierd. I'm 6'3" too?

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 3

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

......oh...erm you haven't got a size 11 foot, well 2 of them really, have you??smiley - weird

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 4

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

No, 12-13! Therefore I have a bigger willy.

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 5

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Its a myth.....its the size of the nose, dontcha know?!!!

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 6

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

My mates call me Cyrano de Bergerc or Concorde or bullet train.

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 7

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Thats not what they told me they call you...!?!
smiley - winkeyesmiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 8

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Yeah. Ok! They call me big dick (Real name is Richard)

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 9

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX ain't that either....smiley - laugh

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 10

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Rocco Stifredi?

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 11

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

nope....keep guessing....

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 12

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!


Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 13

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Ricky Love Truncheon?

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 14

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - roflsmiley - laugh

Aiden just got another birthday pressie from a mate at Chloe's school!!smiley - boingsmiley - laughIts a hammer game & it says on the box you have to "pummel the mice into the cheese"smiley - laugh

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 15

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 16

Little Shopaholic. :@)

Awwwww your Aiden's 1 already! Thats flown hasnt it,i remember when you were choosin baby names! smiley - laugh

Give it time,you'll get broody soon,if not now then when he starts school. smiley - wah

PS.. Hope he had a nice day,did he have a party? smiley - magic

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 17

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

I know...the poor love could have been called Jaden....soooo glad i never called him that!smiley - laugh
Noooo....don't want anymore babies, 2 is enough for me!smiley - biggrin
We're having a party on Thursday for him at the local Wacky Warehouse!smiley - boingsmiley - boing Just an excuse for me to play in the ball pool!!smiley - winkeye

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 18

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

Where have you left him today while you watch that little Aussie arse waggling around on stage (yes, today is the 27th!!!)

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 19

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

His dad watched him while i went to see Kylie.smiley - boing

Baby don't live here anymore.......

Post 20

Nebulaman. Giant Bee! Your luvverleee!

How was it?

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