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What's the point?

Post 21

Taff Agent of kaos

well acording to the smiley - books god created the devil and evil, so that is one reason not to trust him

smiley - bat

What's the point?

Post 22

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~most people acknowledge that it's very unlikely that mankind created themselves or we're here by 'accident'.~*~

I am not the slightest bit interested in what "most people" believe or don't believe. I AM interested in verifiable facts, and I therefore want hard evidence.

~*~there again others that would rather have no belief stating that 'there is no proof of any gods', meaning they are not constrained by any doctrine and can follow their desires as they wish (perhaps to their eventual peril) !?~*~

Or perhaps not. Now, tell me, what has God ever done to earn my trust?

smiley - pirate

What's the point?

Post 23

warner - a new era of cooperation

Mr X,
>> I therefore want hard evidence.<<

You won't get it from me! It's God that gives guidance to an individual or nation. It doesn't matter what I say regards evidence; someone who does not wish to listen will NOT believe.

>> what has God ever done to earn my trust?<<
That's a rather pointless question coming from somebody who 'assumes' there isn't 'a god' without proof! It also shows a lack of respect, but that's not surprising at all, is it?

What's the point?

Post 24

Taff Agent of kaos


you miss the point of "evidence", it still exists whether people belive it or not.

there is a name for one who ignores the evidence...........FOOL!

now if you could provide peer reviewed, testable evience, it would not matter what you say, the evidence would speak for itself

smiley - bat

What's the point?

Post 25

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

>> I therefore want hard evidence.<<
~*~You won't get it from me! It's God that gives guidance to an individual or nation. It doesn't matter what I say regards evidence; someone who does not wish to listen will NOT believe.~*~

If you only realized how you're such a perfect example of this....

>> what has God ever done to earn my trust?<<
~*~That's a rather pointless question coming from somebody who 'assumes' there isn't 'a god' without proof!~*~

I don't need proof that he /doesn't/ exist, the extraordinary claim is that he exists, therefore I need proof that he /does/ exist. However, the way I see it, the very lack of ANY kind of evidence WHATSOEVER is itself proof that there is no God.

It's irrelevant though; if you can remember back four weeks, the reason I was asking the question was so you could explain to me why you feel the need to praise and love God so much. It has little to do with my beliefs, but your own. So let me rephrase the question, what has God ever done to earn your trust?

~*~It also shows a lack of respect,~*~


smiley - pirate

What's the point?

Post 26

warner - a new era of cooperation

Mr X smiley - smiley
what has God ever done to earn your trust?

Ah, I could write a book on that question!
In short, He has saved me from my own foolhardiness, and shown mercy to me at times where I have come close to destroying myself, and given me sure guidance on how to be successful and enriched my life with His wisdom and knowledge.

He has increased my self-discipline, and saved me from all sorts of self-induced misery! He ahs given me a greater understanding of the consequences of my actions and shown me a greater understanding of the difference between good and evil.

What's the point?

Post 27

Taff Agent of kaos

no! warner

thats what you believe god has done to earn your trust

answer the question what has god done to earn Mr. Xs trust????

smiley - bat

What's the point?

Post 28

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

How could he possibly? He doesn't know anything about my life.

What I don't understand is why he has to keep rubbing his love of "God" in everyone else's faces. It really doesn't endear us.

smiley - pirate

What's the point?

Post 29

Taff Agent of kaos

have pity, he is afflicted

smiley - bat

What's the point?

Post 30

warner - a new era of cooperation

Mr X,
I'm sorry if I've 'rubbed anything into anybody's faces', and that wouldn't please God, yet I'm only human like yourself ...

What's the point?

Post 31

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

That you're human means you will make mistakes, but you should still do your utmost to avoid them, not seek them out.

smiley - pirate

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