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Busy busy

Post 1


September was a busy month.

We're in the process of being vetted as prospective foster parents. It is really thorough, It's a shame people don't have to do this before producing children of their own.

We gained another smiley - cat who came to live with us. We already have 2 rescued cats and weren't looking to house another but he just moved in with us. I put up 50 posters and took him to the vets to see if he's microchipped but he's not been claimed. I've now spent nearly £100 getting him wormed, castrated, vaccinated and treated for fleas and earmites so I hope no-one claims him now. He's really sweet and fairly young, but I guess someone got fed-up of him when he wasn't a kitten anymore.

I've delivered a few more babies and my eldest baby has had her 11th birthday.

Attended a lovely humanistic wedding ceremony.

Still tending the allotment

Just some of the reasons I've been lurking rather than contributingsmiley - biggrin

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Busy busy

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