This is the Message Centre for Meg

stuff, and nonsense

Post 1


Just a ramble........
Life is good, children and vegetable garden healthy(ish), in love with husband, lots of wedding presents arrived last week and work has been satisfying so why do I want more?
I want more children (this is a long-held wish). My husband tells me we're too old as he doesn't want to be raising children indefinately. I can see his point and my eggs are nearly 40 years old now but rationalising doesn't diminish the need. I've told myself not to be so selfish as there are many children needing good homes, so I've applied to foster. The problem being I am not alowed a child full-time as I work part-time. I tried to explain that I work nights so am always around when my children are awake (I sleep when they're at school) but this isn't good enough. I may be alowed to provide respite care for a couple of weekends a month. This will not satisfy my desire for another child but may distract me from it, and I will be helping a family to stay together. I may persue adoption as I'm sure you can adopt and work also. My children are really keen on the idea of siblings so something has to be done.

stuff, and nonsense

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - goodlucksmiley - applausesmiley - goodluck

You would be wonderful Meg!smiley - ok

stuff, and nonsense

Post 3


I hope we don't fail the application proceedure for not being yes-people. I adore children but hubbie and I can't stand jumping through hoops to please authority. I'm dreading Beloved speaking his mind and blowing the whole interview. I did warn the social worker that we're not yes people - I thought it only fair to warn hersmiley - biggrin

stuff, and nonsense

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

What you were just saying today on one of my threads proves how valuable you would be. They know push overs will not make it through it anywaysmiley - ok

I would be interested in hearing about the process there.

I just met a lady that did foster care for teenage girls. She retired and moved over seas,she fullfilled her dream. She just came back and is back at itsmiley - winkeye She is the first group home in a rural area. She now has 6 girls and runs a tight but loving ship. She says it is the toughest but most rewarding thing she could do. I think that is true of parenting no matter the circumstances.

They also have camp for the siblings that are seperated so they can visit each other for 2 weeks straight in the summerssmiley - smiley

Best of luck to you Meg.

stuff, and nonsense

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - boing What is happening?
My sister-inlaw is a single Mom and taking a foster child, it should be happening soon.smiley - biggrin

stuff, and nonsense

Post 6


social services left an appointment time on my answermachine. unfortunately I'll be asleep after my night duty and have left messages trying to change the day for the past three weeks but no-one has got back to me. Burocracysmiley - doh

stuff, and nonsense

Post 7

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Ugg! smiley - ermsmiley - goodluck

stuff, and nonsense

Post 8


Have returned from the festival. Had first interview with sicial worker. The only problem she could see was that we don't have a spare bedroom for a fosterchild. I'd assumed that they could share with my children. We're thinking of a loft conversion now.
bigger problems afoot with a family member coming out to his mother this week. She's fine with it but other family members will not be so welcomingsmiley - sadface

stuff, and nonsense

Post 9


The fostering process is underway. We'll be wisited every 2 weeks for 6 months by a social worker who'll asess us all and prepare us for interview by "the panel" next year. She was optomistic that we'd be able to look after a child full-time and that we don't need an extra bedroomsmiley - biggrin

stuff, and nonsense

Post 10


That's great that you are making progress in persuing this dream Meg! I have a lot of respect for families who foster kids, that's a great thing to do.

smiley - towel JEllen

stuff, and nonsense

Post 11


thanks JEllen. The children and 'beloved' are being asessed next week then we start on a six week course to prepare us for fostering. My children are excited, they're really looking forward to foster-siblingssmiley - biggrin

stuff, and nonsense

Post 12


have started on the foundation course. It was very informative but hard work for 3 hours in the evening.

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