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Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 1


I asked my beloved this question as I sat gazing at one of our cats last week. I'd been worrying about all sorts and noticed that my smiley - cat was just enjoying the moment by the fire. Oh to be a smiley - cat. I wouldn't worry about my job, my future, money, whether or not to have another child at my age, or the lump on my chest wall that is going to be removed (soon I hope).
I've enjoyed the sunshine, my Beloved, my children and cats, I just wish my brain could be silenced sometimes.
Enjoy the momentsmiley - rainbowsmiley - peacedove

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - catTHey do have nine lives though!smiley - winkeye

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi Meg, good to see you again. I thought "d drop by and say hello tonight, as you might see it tomorrow.

I remember your having talked about your breast lump before, it would be really worrisome. Hopefully it can be removed soon? I'll be praying for good health for you.

Sometimes I wish I could just make all of my friends' health and money problems disappear. If my own could go along with, even better. I can't make them go away, but I'm always here to listen and maybe help make them seem easier to live with.

It would be nice to be a cat. A house cat, though, one which gets scratched and brushed and well-fed. I wouldn't want to be an outdoors cat and have to chase mice and stuff like that.

Hope things are going okay for you in spite of everything, and that your happy honeymoon can last just a bit longer. smiley - magic

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 4


Hi Abbi and PC. Nice to hear from you both. I was just having a whine last week. Post-holiday blues I think. I'm waiting for an appointment for the skin lump to be removed (I've been reassured it's probably benign). They said they'd remove it for cosmetic reasons but It's for mental reasons. I'd worry myself sick not knowing what it is.
I'm having second thoughts about being a cat as mine left me some blackbird legs in the living room on saturdaysmiley - yuk

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi Meg. Nice hearing from you too. Nothing wrong with having a good old-fashioned whinge once in a while, if the mood strikes.

I think I would worry myself sick if I had a lump and didn't know what it was. I'd surely want it gone. I'm grateful that yours seems benign, and hope it can be done away with soon.

Eating blackbirds doesn't sound nice. Maybe I'm glad I'm not a cat after all, too. smiley - smiley

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 6


nice to hear from you. The bird thing was really gross especially first thing on saturday, just as we were cooking breakfast. Beloved and his friend ran off looking very green, leaving me to deal with it. The children found it very interesting. Trouble ran to tell Maggot to have a look but I'd already disposed of it. She was most dissapointed. Funny things children.
How are you today?

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi Meg! I'm doing well, thanks. Working heaps of overtime, but holding up well. And you?

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 8


I'm good. Bad Saturday with the bird thing and then a meeting I couldn't attend due to two accidents on two different motorways en-route. I managed to take a detour around the first but was parked on the second motorway for 2hours before turning round and going home. I'd been in the car for 7hours solid. The horrid thing was that if I hadn't stopped for petrol I might have been involved in the second accident and may not have survived - it was really bad.
Glad that you're doing well. Don't work too hardsmiley - biggrin

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 9

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I am very glad that you missed being involved in those accidents, and made it home safely. Thank goodness you had to stop for that petrol.

I hope that you will have a better week, and look forward to seeing you again on Monday. I'll be thinking of you.

And I'll be sure not to work *too* hard! Some days I manage to look busy while actually doing very little real work at all. smiley - winkeye

Are cats happy because they don't think about the future?

Post 10


lump removed. Results soon.

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