A Conversation for Genetically Modified Foods (GM Foods)


Post 1

Researcher 38090

I see this is your third draft. Does that mean you've had feedback from the editors?
I've done a similar but not identical standpoint. I think there is room for both, but I hope one of us gets published soon.


Post 2

Mark Rest

Don't worry about getting published for one thing I've heard to backlog has stopped growing and everyone can see the "unpublished" stuff so what does it matter.

The big GM Issue

Post 3

Mark Rest

The main point is "is GM food safe" and the answer as with everything else in life if probably not. The real issue is HOW unsafe is it to other crops, insects that have it in their food chain and lastly us. Monsanto have a point that we will only find out by doing small trials which of course have a risk. We should think ourselves lucky that we exist in a world where this is all being done in the open. There is still the risk that others will just go for the quick buck and plant GM seed whenever they can.

The big GM Issue

Post 4

Mark Rest

Sorry about 3 replies in a row but I thought you would like to know I've added you to the list of people who have helped humanity. Its all on my home page. smiley - smiley

The big GM Issue

Post 5

Researcher 38090

I think that consuming the food produced by GM techniques is not the major problem.
Enormous environmental changes have been caused by the transplanting of a species from one part of our planet to another. Mice and cane toads in Australia, Rabbits into Britain, African bees to the Americas. Many more examples of plant transplantation.
With GM organisms species are being released new to our entire planet. We are supposed to believe that there will be no significant impact from these species, or the wild hybrids which will innevitably follow. This is genetic pollution of a new order.
On the bright side, these companies share value has been suffering due to public distrust. A major investment guidance company last week recommended on that basis that its investors should dump shares in GM companies, before they collapse.
Here's hoping.

The big GM Issue

Post 6

Mark Rest

Okay maybe the GM companies tests are too extreme. Maybe they should do tests in greenhouses and publish their results. Maybe they should be running simulations of the effects on the planet. This would certainly slow them down a bit. Most computer simulations of very complex systems tend to end in total mayhem.

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