A Conversation for modern etiquette

Peer Review: A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 1

Jane Austin

Entry: modern etiquette - A1022527
Author: Jane Austin - U220470

Being a "newbie" I hope that I am doing this right!!! I just think the question of etiquette when it comes to social occasions is a complete idiocy, and we should all have the freedom to enjoy eating and drinking what we like, rather than allowing ourselves to be put down by those who think they know better!!

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 2

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

I liked your article but I'm not sure it belongs in the edited guide. It seemed to be mostly opinion. I'm pretty sure it doesn't belong here. However, you might want to see what other people say.

It is a good article, though. If others agree that it doesn't belong in the edited guide, I'd advise you to put it in the alternative writing workshop.

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 3

Fishy - That's me!

Hello Jane,

Thank you for taking the time to do your entry, but unfortunately it's really not suitable for the guide. Entries for the Guide, need to be factual.smiley - smiley

Have you read Writing-Beginners or Writing-Guidelines There may be a different way you can write how you feel about this, that's more acceptable for the Guide. It's great that you tried.smiley - smiley

smiley - schooloffish

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 4

Number Six

There's always <./>ThePost</.> as well...

smiley - mod

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 5

Jane Austin

Hi, thanks for saying you liked my article smiley - biggrin however smiley - erm I am a bit smiley - flustered how do I now put in into the alternative writing thingy??? smiley - silly

smiley - rose
smiley - diva

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 6

Jane Austin

smiley - wah told you I was a newbie smiley - cry!!

The article was intended to be very "tongue in cheek" therefore it is not intended to be factual, just light hearted, however I note your comments and will, (when I find out how to do it) try it in the "alternative writing" section, as already suggested.

Thank You
smiley - bigeyes
Jane smiley - diva

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 7

Jane Austin

Hi smiley - biggrin

Thanks for the advice!!

smiley - rose

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 8

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Go to the Peer Review Page (the link at the top of this conversation. There is a list aof articles, this should be on it. Click the button that says remove. THen go edit your article and make sure it doesn't say "Not for review." THen put it in the alternate writing workshop the same way you put it here.

A1022527 - modern etiquette

Post 9

Jane Austin

Hi and thanks, it worked !! smiley - biggrin


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