A Conversation for The art of efficient Time Wasting

Peer Review: A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 1


Entry: The art of efficient Time Wasting - A1015264
Author: Slamex Sunsneezer - U224067

I'm putting it back into peer review now that I'm back. Does somebody still thinks this is worth it? Do you see anything I should change?

Also, I'm sure there is a lot of structure errors...

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 2

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Welcome back! This is a cool entry, and I feel that a few more on subjects such as this will lent the whole guide a feeling more in keeping with the works of DNA. I have spotted a few spelling mistakes:

Discutable --> discussible
wating time --> wasting time
primordial factor is that no personnal --> primary factor...personal
I'm pretty sure there are two Fs in 'proffession'
extreme precaution --> extreme caution
properly wrongfully done --> should probably be 'properly done wrong'
Innapropriate --> inappropriate
Hability --> ability
habilities mentionned --> abilities mentioned
Occasionaly --> occasionally
Time wasting jobs are legions --> Time wasting jobs are legion
what to do to look like working --> makes sense to me, but you may wish to change it to 'how to look like working'
al least temporary usefullness --> at least temporary usefulness
not always evident --> not always easy
Alltogether --> altogether
Radom--> random
loose track --> lose track
Beggining--> Begining
preceding --> preceeding

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 3


This entry promotes abusing alcohol, drugs and the welfare system, I don't think it's suitable for the Edited Guide.

As was suggested before, it would probably be better suited to the Underguide.

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 4


I think it's more subtle than that. My entry promotes these things in a negative kind of way. I'm not waying that abusing alcohol, drugs and the welfare system are good things. That would be foolish. The only statement I made is those are ways to waste your time and your life!

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 5


Ho and you forgot I also 'promote' pornography!smiley - winkeye

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 6


I *knew* there was something I was forgetting!

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 7


On second though, I could strip those parts. It would make the text friendlier. I still see it as a counter-example but I admit it is ambiguous, as written irony always is...

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 8


*spelling corrected*
What about structure? I might have used french-like sentences. Anyone spotted anything awkward?

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 9

Sea Change


Porn has no intellectual value? What porn are you watching? Perhaps better written some porn is time wasting. Certainly here in LA, the main porn companies make 10 films a day, so most of them probably aren't any good. But some of them are!

Perhaps this is better described as merely 'titillating sites' instead of porn. That way we don't have to worry about whether it'll offend anyone.

'...nihilists philosophers,by...' ->...nihilst philosophers, by...

There's a disagreement in number not too long after that, but I can't find it again and forgot to write it in my notes.

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 10


I still don't think you are going to get this into the edited guide.

It's quite funny in places, although it tries a bit hard. You would have more luck in the AWW, I reckon.


A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 11


'titillating sites'? hmm. I'm not sure... It is less offending but also less clear. And titillating includes erotica wich is more valuable intellectualy than porn. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/A2163070
Looking for that entry about erotism and porn I noticed that internet pornography and cybersex is pretty much covered -and edited- so maybe I should'nt worry about that. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!smiley - cheers

As for getting edited, I can only hope. I think my entry fits in the "life - human behavior" category.smiley - cool

I'm worried about making my entry as good as it can be, and one thing that usually bothers me in a text is when the writers tries too hard, so what part of my entry exactly are so? smiley - biggrin I will gladly tone them down. Thanks for commenting!

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 12


How's this going?

smiley - panda

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 13

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I actually quite like this one, but it could just be me.... It might be worth getting some editorial input on whether TPTB see this as EG material -- of course, the easiest way to do that is for some scout to pick it. Any brave scouts with a free pick happening by?

smiley - mouse

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 14

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Free pick? Yes.
Brave? I must be. I've recommended it.

We'll just have to wait and see now.

Personally I think it has merits - originality and humour mainly - but I do see the problems.

A1015264 - The art of efficient Time Wasting

Post 15


I'm comnig back sometimes but I'm still on some kind of hiatus. Getting involved more in the graphic aspect of creation than writing.
But I'm still alive and ready to improve this would-be entry. smiley - ok

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 16

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 17

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

woo hoo! smiley - disco congrats!

smiley - cheers

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 18

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Well done. smiley - smiley

'More subbing than usual' may be required to get this up to EG standard, apparently.

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 19


I agree. It did let myself loose on that one.smiley - blush

Glad it is finally picked!smiley - smiley

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