This is the Message Centre for Byrnesnight from Spork


Post 1

Byrnesnight from Spork

Is life really something that happens while you're busy trying to get to where you think you are going or do you actually get there and get all content and actually achieve all your goals and become quite self satisfied.

This is a point I 've often considered? I think only an experienced hand could probably give a full answer..........?


Post 2

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Ah, but there are so many experiences and so many who don't pay attention.

You talk to a fifty-year-old and a hundred-year-old and ask them how they got to where they are.

They might give you directions, but they might also be completely clueless.

One day at a time.

By the way, Hello.


Post 3

Byrnesnight from Spork


apologies for the lateness of my reply .....I was pondering my thoughts. You have a fair point RE: aged wisdom but surely there must be some merit in having reached a fair age. If not anything when you are older you can at least pass on ancient wisdom and all your juniors would have to accept it as fact because they could not argue with the more experienced sage. MAybe that is the true meaning of contentment - arguing and nobody being able to argue that you are wrong........?

Byrnesnight from Spork smiley - spork

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