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Hot ! Day the Third

Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Today was the first truly hot day of spring, in fact I think spring has sprung, and we have moved directly into summer!

Tomorrow (well technically today as it is after midnight, but I am sure it is still the 2nd somewhere)I will have to shave the forest that is my legs and dig out my shorts.......and then hand sunnies to everyone to spot them being blinded by the white that is legs hahaha.

We did a lot of paint putting away tonight, I think we got around 20 pallets of the blasted stuff.

There has also been a bit off a stuff up with another mobs ordering, and it looks like last weeks pallets, have arrived with this weeks pallets, so now M the Co-ord of Decorator is in for a heck of a shock tomorrow.......heh! I don't feel sorry for him one bit smiley - tongueout

must go, my dinner is beeping at me and I can't wait to tuck into me roast piggy and veg

smiley - cheers

Hot ! Day the Third

Post 2


Hope you enjoyed that dinner. It sounds wonderful, as does your weather. smiley - envy

Hot ! Day the Third

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

The weather was hot and muggy, had several showers in the evening, this is the first night I have been able to home on the motorcycle with no gloves and my jacket open

and just spotted a dyslexic typo >>hand sunnies to everyone to SPOT them <<

that should be STOP smiley - laugh

Hot ! Day the Third

Post 4


After reading that sentence a couple times, I thought it must be an Australianism I was unfamiliar with!

Hot ! Day the Third

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'll be giving my legs their first public exposure of the summer this weekend. They are very, very white. But I won't bother with shaving them. smiley - silly

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