A Conversation for BBBB - Character Descriptions


Post 1

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Name: Zaphara (Tricia Fractal) Beeblebrox
Earthling?: Kinda. Half earthling.
Humanoid?: Yeah.
M/F: Female
Height: Quite tall.
Fav. Colour: Violet
Childhood: very fun, as you'd expect when your dad's Zaphod Beeblebrox.
Fav. place: Betelgeuse V.
Fear: the words 'Random' and 'monkey'. Don't ask me why.
Towel: In my handbag.


Post 2


Here's a description of my character:
Name: Shirley Edwards
Earthling? : Yes
Gender: Male (yes, I know Shirley's normally a girl's name).
Age: Haven't a clue; somewhere in midlife.
Favorite color: Purple
Birthplace: Norwich, England
Childhood: Lonely
Favorite place: Bed
Greatest fear: Being trapped in a lift with Noel Edmonds
What he dislikes most about the universe: Metaphorical ferrets
Incidentally, he's not a hitchhiker and thinks his towel is probably somewhere in his bathroom.


Post 3

Artretia Dent

I'll join you.
Name: Artretia Dent
Childhood: Can't remember.
Parentage: Never met them, as far as she can remember.
Lives/d in:Norwich, England. That's co-incidental, by the way.
Earthling:Yes... She thinks.
Humanoid: Yep.
Fave. place: A place which isn't Norfolk, and is surrounded by a distinct lack of technology, preferably.
Fave. drink: Tea, milk, 2 sugars. Dosn't know why...


Post 4

Artretia Dent

O.K, I forgot stuff:My goal is to find my parents, and remember my childhood.
I'm about 5'6''
I hang around with whoever I seem to get on with in my chapters.
Fears are as yet unknown.
I can in fact touch not only my elbows but every inch of my back. Did I mention the fact that I always pack my towel in my canvas bag, without necessarily meaning to?

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